DENTAL WORK tissue together with a few millimeters of bone. This will prevent leaving a residue for bacteria to thrive on later. ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS When extractions are done, congratulate yourself for the achievement. Start the Dental Afterca ...
DENTAL WORK Arichega Gum Cleaning The second task after extracting your teeth, and cleaning cavitations is to remove imbedded am ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Antibiotics cannot stop tooth decay. They do not reach the crevices in teeth because there is ...
DENTAL WORK Remember, even before leaving the dentist’s office, just as soon as you are out of the chair, rinse with Dental Blea ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Dental Day Two The next day you need to be well-fed, yet eat no solids, nor liquids with parti ...
DENTAL WORK nearby sensitive tissues. After flossing, clean these teeth by hand-rubbing, using paper towel dampened with water a ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS tients often state that they feel better, immediately after the dental extraction, than they c ...
DENTAL WORK Small Fillings Again, you must search for a special dentist. The dentist must let you bring your own sealer. All sea ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS The cavity may also be filled with an inlay of Sculpture or Targis. Inlays are already hardene ...
DENTAL WORK circuit). Here the Syncrometer also finds plastic-related chemi- cals from fillings and silicones from toothpaste! S ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS and one eighth inch wide). Put a few drops of Lugol’s into a large glass of water, big enough ...
DENTAL WORK storage sites—fat tissue and tumors themselves—to begin tumor shrinkage. Making Your Dentures and Partials There are ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS dyes, and other toxins that were seeping from your fillings. Be- fore this you killed Ascaris, ...
DENTAL WORK guilt but to find a developing problem before your entire family has been damaged, generation after generation. Befo ...
TUMOR SHRINKING DIET To shrink your tumors your diet should be: free of malonic acid free of carcinogenic dyes and metals, isop ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Only Syncrometer biochemistry, which is electronic, has the speed and accuracy to allow a retu ...
TUMOR SHRINKING DIET called oxidation, even when no oxygen atoms are involved. Py- ruvic acid (pyruvate) is produced. In this wa ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS formed. In addition each electron, along with its partner hydro- gen, will combine with oxygen ...
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