Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3
Step 6 It’s time to start putting together our step stool. Place six to seven small X marks spaced out evenly inside the two lin ...
We plan to paint our step stool so we don’t want all these screw holes showing. What we need to do is set the head of the screws ...
Step 7 The risers are put on next. These two pieces will make the step stool much more rigid because they will further tie the t ...
Step 8 The top is all that’s left in the construction of our step stool. Measure the distance between the sides and add an inch ...
Two for One Birdfeeder ...
Lesson 17 Two for One Birdfeeder Early we built our feathered friends a home to kick back in after a hard days work. But what ab ...
Things You’ll Need Cut off box Hammer 4d finish nails (2) ½” x 36” dowels (1) 1 x 12 x 4’ (see text for type of wood) (1)1x6x14” ...
Step 1 Get all your pieces together and using the cut list and your cross-cut box cut all your pieces to size. The 1 x 12” obvio ...
Figure 1 shows the spacing of the holes for the bottom piece of the suet feeder. The other bottom piece that’s the same size doe ...
Use your pencil to trace the outline of the bottom piece onto the top and then remove it. Now all youhavetodoisuse the measureme ...
building the peg game. Drill all the holes and set aside the pieces for now. Step 5 Before we start putting things together give ...
Step 7 Now let’s attach the two bottom pieces of the suet feeder. Turn the bottom piece that you drilled the holes into face dow ...
Step 8 Putalittleglueonto one end of each dowel, except the longer 9” dowel, and insert it intoaholeonthe bottom tray section. ( ...
Step 9 We’re almost done. After all the dowels are in you can now slide the 9” dowel into the end hole. If you built yours out o ...
Workbench ...
Lesson 18 Workbench A workbench is one of the most important tools in any woodworkers shop. I can hear some of you saying, “Tool ...
Plywood Plywood is made by gluing thin pieces of wood together to formasheetthatisagiven thickness. Plywood can have a topsheet ...
Step 1 Let’s cut the legs to length first. Mark off the length of each leg that you’ve determined to be a good working height fo ...
you nail as close into the center of the ends of the side aprons as possible to prevent them from splitting. Nail the other end ...
4” 4” 1½” 1” 2½” 2½” 4” Top 1½” 1” 2½” Have someone hold the top while you drill the pilot holes in the end aprons. After all th ...
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