A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century
Poznan Warsaw Lublin Berlin Vienna Zagreb Belgrade Durazzo Tirana Sofia Milan Venice Danzig Hamburg Bremen Cologne Frankfurt Pra ...
possible alterations in the European order which might be destined to come about with the passage of time. Amongst these questio ...
Chamberlain was essentially right when he assessed the US as an unlikely ally at the outset of any war in Europe. Whatever Roose ...
administered mainly by the more educated Czechs, which caused discontent and the creation of a Slovak People’s Party, led by Fat ...
What made Hitler draw back on the brink at the end of September and forgo his Blitzkriegor ‘lightning war’? We can only surmise. ...
Is this the end of an old adventure or is it the beginning of a new? Is this the last attack upon a small state or is it to be f ...
runs, would have followed the attack on Poland with an invasion of the Soviet Union. Would this not have been in Britain’s and F ...
would fight, despite the duce’s explanations that Italy would not be ready for war for another three years. The conquest of Abys ...
and even for two days beyond that. Only Hitler was sure that he was going to attack Poland and that his military timetable allow ...
tentiary to present himself in Berlin expired at midnight on 30 August. The Poles were not pre- pared to rush cap in hand to Hit ...
manoeuvres in August were designed to provide an alibi to put the Poles in the wrong and so justify war to the German people. Fu ...
During the first two years of war, Germany won a series of victories on the continent of Europe that staggered the world and mad ...
fruits of victory, the victory parades accompanied by champagne and other luxuries looted from France. Hitler’s megalomania was ...
in Britain a ‘peace at any price’ party whose influ- ence might become powerful. He thought it prob- able nevertheless that the ...
the Royal Navy on 8 April was proceeding to lay mines in Norwegian territorial waters accompa- nied by a small force of troops w ...
to the House of Commons, it was Chamberlain whom the Conservatives loudly cheered. Cham- berlain was soon to earn those cheers f ...
In short, German victory was due to the bril- liance of the amended war-plan carried out in May 1940, its successful execution b ...
British reactions to peace initiatives. That same day contingency arrangements to evacuate the BEF were acted on. The last week ...
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