Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
200 ELDER TEMPEST Terrifying storms manifest in the body of the elder tem- pest. A being carved from clouds, wind, rain, and lig ...
ZARA TAN When a zaratan is summoned from the Elemental Plane of Earth, th e ground rises up to take the shape of what looks like ...
202 ELEMENTAL MYRMIDONS Elemental myrmidons are elementals conju red and bound by magic into ritually c re ated suits of plate a ...
FIRE ELEMENTAL MYRMIDON Medium elemental, neutral Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 123 (19d8 + 38) Speed 40 ft. STR 13 (+l) DEX ...
20~ GIFF It's easy to spot the giff in a room: a group of 7-foot-tall, hippopotamus-headed humanoids attired in gaudy mil- itary ...
GITH The descendants of an ancient people-so old the ir orig inal name has been lost- have turned against each other, becoming v ...
206 GITHYANKI SUPREME COMMANDER Medium humanoid (gith), lawful evil Armo r Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 187 (22d8 + 88) Speed 30 ...
GITHYANKI SUPREME COMMANDER Supreme commanders lead the githyanki armies, each one commanding ten kith'raks, who in turn lead th ...
208 G1n'"tERAI ENLIGHTENED GITHZERAI ENLIGHTENED Medium humanoid (gith). lawful neutral Armor Class 18 Hit Point s 112 (15d8 + 4 ...
GRAY RENDER A curious impulse drives the gray render. Despite its hulking form and terrible appetite, it wants most of all to bo ...
210 HOW LER A far-off wail precedes the s ight of a howler. Even at a distance, one's m ind cringes at the sound and fills with ...
KRUTHIKS Kruthiks are chitin-covered reptiles that hunt in packs and nest in sprawling subterranean warrens. They are attracted ...
212 ADULT KRUTHIK Medium monstrosity, unaligned Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 39 ( 6d8 + 12) Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ...
MA RUT The nigh-unstoppable inevitables s erve a singular pur- pose: they enforce contracts forge d in the Hall of Con- cordance ...
214 MEAZEL In places where the Shadowfell washes against the shores of the Material Plane dwell meazels, hateful her- mits who l ...
NAG PA Long ago, the Raven Queen c ursed a cabal of thirteen powerful wizards for meddlin g in a ritual that would have helped a ...
ยท. NIGHTWALKER Huge undead, chaotic evil Armor Class 14 Hit Points 297 (22dl2 + 15 4) Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. STR 22 (+6) DEX 1 ...
OB LEX By experimenting on the slimes, jellies, and puddings that infest the depths of the Underdark, mind flayers created a spe ...
218 ADULT0BLEX Medium ooze, lawful evil Armor Class 14 Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) Speed 20 ft. STR 8 (-1) DEX 19 (+4) CON 16 (+3) ...
' \ .... ... ' , .. ~ ELD ER0BLEX Huge ooze, lawful evil Armor Class 16 Hit Points 115 (10dl2 + 50) Speed 20 ft. STR 15 (+2) DEX ...
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