Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
workers in insecticide plants as high as 648 parts per million! So the range of proven s torage is quite wide and, what is even ...
minutes and died bef ore medical help could be obtained. No reliance can be placed on receiving advance warning which might allo ...
of this group of ins ecticides , projects a menacing s hadow into the future, the s hadow of sterility. Pheasants fed quantities ...
work on them was declared secret. Some became the deadly nerve gases. Others, of closely allied structure, became insecticides. ...
The grove had been s prayed with parathion s ome two and a half weeks earlier; the res idues that reduced the m to retchi ng, ha ...
relaxants, and that several others (again including malathion) markedly increase the sleeping time of barbiturates.... In Greek ...
There are s trong indications that fields clos er to our daily lives are being opened up. You may now give y our dog a pill whic ...
an insecticide, often being sprayed along railroad tracks and in waste areas. Penta is extremely toxic to a wide variety of orga ...
4. Surface Waters and Underground Seas OF ALL our natural res ources water has become the mos t precious. By far the greater par ...
Here and there we have dramatic evidence of the presence of these chemicals in our streams and even in public water supplies. Fo ...
It mus t have been by s uch a dark, underg round s ea that pois onous chemicals traveled from a manufacturing plant in Colorado ...
easily occur, changing the nature of the che micals in a way that is not only unpre dictable but beyond control. It is , of cour ...
annoying becaus e of its s heer numbers. Efforts were made to c ontrol it but they were largely fruitles s until, in the late 19 ...
2000 parts per million. Meanwhile, the nesting colonies of the grebes dwindled—f ro m more than 1000 pairs before the firs t ins ...
cons iderably within the fores eeable future.’ And indeed a s tudy made in Holland in the early 1950s provides s upport for the ...
5. Realms of the Soil THE THIN LAYER of s oil that forms a patchy covering over the continents controls our own exis tence and t ...
microbes perform va rious oxidations and reductions by which mine rals s uch as iron, manganese, and sulfur are transformed and ...
inhabit the roots of many trees in a beneficial association that aids the tree in extracting nutrients from the s oil? The plain ...
Arsenic provides a classic case of the virtually permanent pois oning of the s oil. Although ars enic as a spray on growing toba ...
Within a year after the heptachlor was applied, the vines in the treated yards were wilting and dying. In the untreated fields t ...
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