Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
them all, perhaps , only a few bas ic kinds of injuries to the cell are responsible. Here and there, in research widely scattere ...
Then in 1961 other confirmation came, this time from living animals rather than tissue cultures. Radioactive tracer s ubs tances ...
Certain chemicals, again reminding us of radiation products like Strontium 90, have a peculiar affinity for the bone marrow. Be ...
Royal Victoria Hospital at McGill University found two thirds of 150 cases of uterine cancer s tudied by them gave evidence of a ...
action being supplied by a chemical, as, for example, urethane. The growing expos ure of the population to radiation from va rio ...
have now bee n brought unde r a reas onable degree of control and some have been practically eliminated. This brilliant medical ...
s econd, becaus e the manufacture and s ale of s uch chemicals has become an accepted part of our economy and our way of life. I ...
15. Nature Fights Back TO HAVE RISKED s o much in our efforts to mold nature to our s atis faction and yet to have failed in ach ...
The second neglected fact is the truly explos ive power of a s pecies to reproduce once the res is tance of the environme nt has ...
Perhaps we may have noticed an oddly s haped ins ect of ferocious mien on a bus h in the garden and been dimly aware that the pr ...
of s now, below the fros tha rdene d soil, in crevices in the bark of trees, and in sheltered caves, the paras ites and the pred ...
the Big Belt Mountains , then in othe r areas of Montana and down into Ida ho the fores ts looked as though they had been s corc ...
population dynamics of the i ns ect worl d. Two of the mas s-s praying programs recen tly carried out have had precis ely this e ...
s chedules , to minimize their contact with ins ecticides. And regardles s of what the citrus growe rs do, they are more or less ...
background of s ome of thes e men reveals that their entire research program is s upporte d by the che mical indus try. Their pr ...
ounces per 100 gallons in contras t to the us ual 1 or 2 pounds per 100 gallons ). Although thes e two are the least toxic of th ...
16. The Rumblings of an Avalanche IF DARWIN were alive today the ins ect world would delight and as tound hi m with its impressi ...
British student of animal populations, Dr. Charles Elton, has said, ‘We are hearing the early rumblings of what may become an av ...
demons trate d res is tance to DDT, a mos t serious development. Countries reporti ng res is tance among a large number of othe ...
in Greece. Extensive spraying was begun in 1946 with early s uccess ; by 1949, however, obs ervers noticed that adult mos quitoe ...
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