Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
of the vis ible world around us. They reflect the web of life—o r death—that scientists know as ecology. But there is also an ec ...
involved in the metabolism of all the principal foodstuffs. It stores sugar in the form of glycogen and releases it as glucose i ...
Another Britis h experi mente r who applied DDT in acetone s olution to his s kin reported heavines s and aching of limbs , mus ...
s ymptoms. And as we have s een, pairs of the organic phos phates themselves may interact in s uch a way as to increas e their t ...
About two decades later various other organic phos phates came into us e as ins ecticides , as we have s een, and s oon cases re ...
13. Through a Narrow Window THE BIOLOGIST George Wald once compare d his work on an exceedingly s pecialized s ubject, the vis u ...
has been s tripped down to a form in which it is ready to combine with a new molecule coming in and to s tart the cycle anew. Th ...
The charging of the battery, in which ADP and a free phos phate group are combined to res tore ATP, is coupled to the oxidative ...
no doubt be directed largely toward meas uring the effects of radiation, but it mus t not be overlooked that many chemicals are ...
purpos e in birds and bacteria, in me n and mice. The fact of insecticide storage in the germ cells of any s pecies s hould ther ...
Although far less noticed, a companion discovery was made by Charlotte Auerbach and William Robs on at the Unive rs ity of Edinb ...
experiences, the normal protective barriers that kept mutagenic agents from the inte rnal organs have been more and more fre que ...
lindane became monstrously deformed with tumorlike swellings on their roots. Their cells grew in s ize, being s wollen with chro ...
mental defects often accompany the sterility caused by this condition. In c ontras t, an individual who receives only one s ex c ...
14. One in Every Four THE BATTLE of living things against cancer began so long ago that its origin is lost in time. But it mus t ...
cancers among worke rs in the new lignite indus try in Saxony and in the Scottis h s hale indus try, along with other cancers ca ...
of mining for gold and silver ores, and for several hundred years for a rs enic ores. Over the centuries ars enic was tes accumu ...
animals give more prompt results, and after the two years it was evident that this miticide was indeed a carcinogen. Even at tha ...
found to have a relatively short latent period, also, but at present leukemia seems to be the exception to the general rule of e ...
about nine years later a fatal leukemia developed. Where pesticides are involved, the chemicals that figure mos t promi nently i ...
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