Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
the bird known to eve ryone. To millions of Americans, the season’s first robin means that the grip of winter is broken. I ts co ...
of the nervous s ys tem, but s oon it became evident that ‘in s pite of the as s urances of the ins ecticide people that their s ...
is 13 days...Our analyses are s howing high concentrations of DDT in the tes tes and ovaries of breeding birds ,’ he told a cong ...
heavily s prayed areas , among the m thos e woodland s prites the kinglets , both ruby-c ro wned and golden-crowned, the tiny gn ...
But what happe ns in nature is not allowe d to happe n in the mode rn, che mical-drenche d world, where s p raying des tro ys no ...
through 1959. Meanwhile, howeve r, Mr. Sweeney had noticed that a city-wide infestation of the cottony maple s cale was wors e a ...
against possible property damage or personal injury. If it is a fuel-wood pile, the wood can be us ed before s pring, the bark c ...
s een at 43 nes ts in 1957, were s o s carce that he obs erved the m at only 10 nes ts. Although Mr. Broley’s death in 1959 term ...
numbe rs of fertile eggs. But few of the eggs hatched. ‘Many embryos appeared to develop normally during the ea rly s tages of i ...
treatment; in addition to a fungicide, dieldrin, aldrin, or heptachlor was added to combat soil ins ects. Thereupon the s ituati ...
dres s ings of compounds containing dieldrin, aldrin, or heptachlor, or chemicals of comparable toxicity.’ The committee also re ...
same parathion, workers handling foliage that had been treated a month earlier collapsed and went into s hock, and es caped deat ...
9. Rivers of Death FROM THE GREEN DEPTHS of the offshore Atlantic many paths lead back to the coast. They are paths followed by ...
stream. Brook trout also appeared among the dead fis h, and along the roads and in the woods birds were dyi ng. All the life of ...
the recomme ndation of the Fis heries Res earch Board. (In the United States the s tandard and highly lethal pound-to-the-acre s ...
to come. ‘Immediately after the 1958 s praying,’ the Department re ported, ‘moribund s uckers were obs erve d in large numbers i ...
It was therefore more than clear that spraying at the rate of a pound of DDT to the acre pos ed a s erious threat to the fis hes ...
It was inevitable that s erious des truction of fis hes would follow the wides pread us e of the new organic pesticides. Fishes ...
waters that the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, a venerable scientific organization de vote d to the s tu ...
acre to the pond itself are generally cons idered hazardous. And the pois on, once introduced, is hard to get rid of. One pond t ...
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