Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
they’ re hard to get rid of. A dog will pick up ticks in Central Park, and then the ticks lay eggs and they hatch in the apartme ...
of ‘toughnes s ’ inherent in its forebears. Inevitably it follows that intensive spraying with powerful chemicals only makes wor ...
‘Practical advice should be “Spray as little as you possibly can” rather than “Spray to the limit of your capacity.”...Pres s ur ...
17. The Other Road WE STAND NOW where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Fros t’s familiar poem, they are not equ ...
with the normal wild males so successfully that, after repeated releases, only infertile eggs would be produced and the populati ...
17 months, 3½ billion artificially reared, sterilized flies had been released over Florida and sections of Georgia and Alabama. ...
s ubs tance and introduced into the natural environment of the fly; ins ects feeding on it would become s terile and in the cour ...
perhaps, very selective insecticides? Scientists at Cornell University and els ewhere are trying to find ans wers to s ome of th ...
had been eliminated. The me thod as here applied s eems to have marked advantages over the conventional broadcas ting of ins ect ...
could be brought unde r control by introducing a dis eas e into its environme nt came in the late 1930s with the dis covery and ...
contrast to chemicals, insect pathogens are harmless to all but their intended targets. Dr. Edward Steinhaus , an outstanding au ...
nonin terfe rence fro m man, Nature can have her way, s etting up all that wonde rful and intricate s ys tem of checks and balan ...
America] yield a thous and s piders , which can catch 200,000 flying ins ects ,’ says Dr. Rupperts hofen. The tiny and delicate ...
hurled against the fabric of life—a fabric on the one hand delicate and des tructible, on the othe r miraculous ly tough and res ...
FAWCETT WORLD LI BRARY Cover S. Neil Fujita Whe n yo u read SI L EN T SPRIN G yo u w ill know why J ustice W illia m O. Do uglas ...
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