Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
toxaphene, as well as smaller quantities of other i ns ecticides. The manager of the plant admitte d that qua ntities of powde r ...
The minimum immediate overall kill throughout the ma rs hes , exclus ive of the Indian River shoreline, was 20-30 tons of fishes ...
s eafoods would dis appear from our tables. Even among fishes that range widely in coastal waters , many depe nd upon protected ...
concentrate thes e pois ons in their diges tive organs and othe r tissues. Both types of shellfish are normally eaten whole and ...
10. Indiscriminately from the Skies FROM SMALL BEGINNINGS over farmlands and fores ts the s cope of aerial spraying has widened ...
abroad and s uccess fully es tablis hed in New England. The Agriculture Depa rtment its elf has credited thes e importations wit ...
The contamination of milk and of farm produce in the cours e of the gyps y moth s praying came as an unpleas ant s urpris e to m ...
100,000 acres in 1959, 1960, and 1961. During this interval, the control agencies must have found news from Long Is land dis qui ...
contained only one s hort paragraph on the fire ant out of its half-million words of text. A g ai ns t the Department’s undocume ...
us ed by that ti me for approxi mately a decade, and had killed s ome bi rds and many fish even at a rate of 1 pound pe r acre. ...
specimens sent to the Fish and Wildlife Service for analysis were found to contain insecticides in amounts s ufficient to caus e ...
The area included in the fire ant program is predominantly fields and croplands. What about the dairy cattle that graze on these ...
heavy dos ages , it abruptly re duced the rate of application of he ptachlor f rom 2 pounds to 1¼ pounds per acre in 1959; later ...
11. Beyond the Dreams of the Borgias THE CONTAMINATION of our world is not alone a matter of mas s s praying. Indeed, for most o ...
the m in our bureau drawe rs for a half year’s freedom fro m worry ove r moth da mage. The advertis ements contain no s ugges ti ...
are added the finely divided particles of whatever insecticide the probably uns us pecting s uburba nite has chos en to dis trib ...
s uch products in 1960 s howed that a third contained res idues , a s ituation which the Food and Drug Administration characteri ...
only over foods s hipped in inters tate comme rce; foods grown and marketed within a state are entirely outs ide its s phere of ...
toxic chemicals. It will immediately be objected that this will place an intolerable burden on the farmer. But if, as is now the ...
12. The Human Price AS THE TIDE of chemicals born of the Indus trial Age has aris en to engulf our environme nt, a dras tic chan ...
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