Social Media Marketing
(^179) ■ THREE THINGS TO DO (AND WHY) Measure Social Media Now that listening and collaboration have been discussed, the fi nal ...
180 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ Link Social Analytics with Business Analytics Given the direct measurement of activ ...
(^181) ■ THREE T HINGS TO D O ( AND W HY ) add up to very high customer satisfaction. Some suggestions have included specific ch ...
182 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE ESSENTIAL TIPS ■ would be a very good choice). Instead, the Net Promoter Score is a great place to sta ...
(^183) ■ THREE T HINGS TO D O ( AND W HY ) Having one or more metrics that apply to all divisions, departments, groups, and func ...
184 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ asked. Innovations arise that would not otherwise arise. The business actually runs ...
(^185) ■ W HAT N OT TO D O ( AND W HAT TO D O I NSTEAD ) collaborative activities that inform your business and strongly tie you ...
186 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ As an example of the former, consider a business line leader who approaches an exec ...
(^187) ■ W HAT N OT TO D O ( AND W HAT TO D O I NSTEAD ) a coffee shop) in addition to the drinks and snacks they had already pu ...
188 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ Figure 7.3 We’re Listening: Café Coffee Day Start By Listening So if avoidance of c ...
(^189) ■ W HAT N OT TO D O ( AND W HAT TO D O I NSTEAD ) In addition, create a strong internal policy that governs your organiza ...
190 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ operations, customer support, retail, and warranty policies...all of which exist ou ...
(^191) ■ BEST P RACTICES IN S OCIAL B USINESS In social business, there are external dynamics (customer, member, community. or s ...
192 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ In addition, directly involved customers can become the core of your most ardent su ...
(^193) ■ BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL BUSINESS Threadless is a great example of a collaborative business. Founded in 2000, Threadles ...
194 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE ESSENTIAL TIPS ■ are evolving—in public and in view of competing designers—as the process occurs. You ...
(^195) ■ BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL BUSINESS Even if a reporter is the “science journalist” for a magazine or paper, it’s unrealis ...
196 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ information. But beyond basic location awareness, these early applications didn’t d ...
(^197) ■ BEST PRACTICES IN SOCIAL BUSINESS Once you’ve checked in, you’ll see a list of your friends also using Foursquare who a ...
198 c h a p t e r 7: FIVE E SSENTIAL T IPS ■ Review and Hands-On Applying social media principles effectively in business is bot ...
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