440.A 45-year-old man was riding a snowmobile and hit a snow-covered rocky outcropping. When standing for the first time after t ...
441.In the hysterosalpingogram below, the dye at C is within which of the following? 542 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology a. ...
443.Which of the following contains the ovarian neurovascular bundle? a. Broad ligament b. Mesosalpinx c. Mesovarium d. Suspenso ...
446.Episiotomies are performed to control tearing that can occur during a vaginal delivery. When performing a mediolateral episi ...
449.A 50-year-old multiparous woman comes to your office to rule out cancer. She reports a growing mass or fullness on the anter ...
Pelvis Answers 414.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, p 361.)The subpubic angle between inferior pubic rami is significantly gre ...
the ovary runs within the broad ligament from the medial pole of each ovary to the uterus. It then continues within the broad li ...
aspects of the mons or the base of the penis and can also provide afferent innervation to stimulate the cremasteric response, pu ...
422.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 225–226.)The newborn boy has congenital hydrocele. As the testicles migrate from the p ...
sperm motility. The flavins that are contributed to the ejaculate by the sem- inal vesicles fluoresce strongly in ultraviolet li ...
in the male supplies the seminal vesicle, prostate, fundus of the bladder, distal ureter, and the vas deferens. In the female, t ...
between uterine vessels and ureter is of major importance during surgical procedures in the female pelvis. At the top of the bro ...
absence of a complete neural arch of the fifth sacral vertebra. The four ante- rior(answer a)and posterior (answer d)sacral fora ...
437.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 228–229.)A dark mass within the scrotum would most likely be one of two things: varico ...
bodies reduce blood from leaving, resulting in engorgement and penile or cli- toral erection. Emission of seminal fluid, prostat ...
peritoneum over the female reproductive organs. The mesovarium attaches the ovary to the broad ligament. The suspensory ligament ...
446.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, pp 436, 438.)Vaginal wall, bul- bospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles ...
blood supply for the testicles comes directly off the abdominal aorta, where the testicles first develop, prior to their inferio ...
Extremities and Spine Questions DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested re ...
454.The accompanying x-ray shows the shoulder of an 11-year-old girl who fell off the monkey bars, extending her arm in an attem ...
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