455.A patient presents in her fifth pregnancy with a history of numbness and tingling in her right thumb and index finger during ...
457.Wrist-drop results in a very weak hand grasp. This is why self- defense classes teach you to flex the wrist of an attacker h ...
459.In the upper extremity, each major nerve passes between two heads of a muscle. The median nerve passes between which of the ...
461.Fractures of the humerus in different regions have the potential to damage different nerves. What muscle innervation may be ...
463.A 45-year-old plumber presented in the clinic complaining of long- standing pain in the elbow. Subsequent examination reveal ...
465.Internal bleeding can be a rare complication of a broken clavicle if the broken bone fragment becomes significantly displace ...
468.As a third year medical student on cardiology service you receive a transfer patient from the emergency room. The 52-year-ol ...
469.Which bone on the plain film below is most likely fractured when falling on an outstretched hand? 568 Anatomy, Histology, an ...
470.The carpal tunnel is created by the flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament) and the carpal bones creating a restrict ...
472.An 8-year-old boy returns to your pediatric clinic because he has a “pain in his butt” and walks with a limp. He had just be ...
473.A woman falls on an icy sidewalk and complains of her “thumb hurt- ing.” You take her x-ray (below) and show her there are n ...
474.A workman accidentally lacerated his wrist as shown in the accom- panying diagram. On exploration of the wound, a vessel and ...
476.A 10-year-old boy is brought into your office by his mother. The boy is supporting his left arm at the elbow by using his ri ...
478.Hip fractures, especially in the elderly, often do not heal adequately. As a result broken femurs often lead to complete hip ...
480.Your patient just took up jogging in the evening for exercise and complains that after a mile or so his left leg begins to h ...
481.How would you test for the destruction of structure 9 in the Sagittal MRI of the knee shown below? 576 Anatomy, Histology, a ...
482.A 12-year-old boy is brought to the emergency room by his mother following being pushed out of the neighbor’s tree house, ab ...
484.A 22-year-old man who belongs to a weekend football league pre- sents in the ER. He was running with the ball when a defende ...
485.A patient experienced a prolonged stay in one position during a recent surgery and postoperative recovery that resulted in c ...
488.A 19-year-old teenager was dancing in clogs in an ethnic street festival when she inverted her left foot. She presents to yo ...
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