Structural Engineering
Draft 12.1Introduction 201 Q P P h/2 h/3 2Q P P h/2 h/3 2Q P P 2h/3 P P h/2 ]]\]]\ ]]\ ]]\]]\ ^]^]^ ^]^]^ ^]^]^^]^]^ ^]^]^ ] _]_ ...
Draft 12.2FlexuralStresses 203 PeandM 0 +MDL+MLL f 1 = Pe Ac 1 ec 1 r 2 M 0 +MDL+MLL S 1 f 2 = Pe Ac 1 + ec 2 r 2 ...
Draft 12.2FlexuralStresses 205 M 0 = (:183)(40) 2 8 = 36: 6 k.ft (12.9-b) The exuralstresseswillthus be equalto: f w 0 1 ; 2 = ...
Draft 12.3CaseStudy: Walnut LaneBridge 207 80 ft CENTER LINE ELEVATION OF BEAM HALF 9.25’ 44 ’ 9.25’ BEAM CROSS SECTIONS TRANSVE ...
Draft 12.3CaseStudy: Walnut LaneBridge 209 12.3.3 Loads 26 Theselfweight of thebeamisq 0 = 1: 72 k/ft. 27 Theconcrete(density=.1 ...
Draft Chapter 13 ARCHES and CURVED STRUCTURES 1 Thischapterwillconcentrateontheanalysisof arches. 2 Theconceptsusedareidenticalt ...
Draft 13.1Arches 213 SolvingforH H= wL 2 8 h (13.2) We recallthata similarequationwas derivedforarches.,andH is analogousto theC ...
Draft 13.1Arches 215 Solvingthosefourequationssimultaneouslywe have: 2 6 6 6 4 140 26 : 25 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 80 60 0 0 3 7 7 7 ...
Draft 13.1Arches 217 Z =0 wRdR(cos cos) +M= 0 (13.12) ) M=wR 2 2 (1sin) + ( 2 ) cos (13.13) III De ection aredet ...
Draft 13.1Arches 219 Theexpressionforthehorizontaldisplacement ofCis 1 |{z} P Ch = 2 Z B C M M EI ds+ 2 Z B C V V AwG ds+ ...
Draft 13.2CurvedSpaceStructures 221 withrespectto thexandyaxisareBPandABrespectively. Applyingthreeequations of equilibriumwe ob ...
Draft 13.2CurvedSpaceStructures 223 Figure13.11:Geometryof CurvedStructurein Space 24 Theweakbendingaxisis normalto bothNandS, a ...
Draft 13.2CurvedSpaceStructures 225 Figure13.13:HelicoidalCantileveredGirder ...
Draft 13.2CurvedSpaceStructures 227 Finally, thecomponents of theforceF = PkandthemomentMareobtainedby appropriatedotproductsw ...
Draft Chapter 14 BUILDING STRUCTURES 14.1 Introduction. 14.1.1 BeamColumnConnections 1 Theconnectionbetweenthebeamandthecolumnca ...
Draft 14.1Introduction 231 w P w/2 -w/2 w/2 -w/2 w/2 -w/2 w/2 M’ M’ -M’/L M’/L -M’/L M’/L a b h L c d e f g h i j k l p M w/2 w/ ...
Draft 14.2BuildingsStructures 233 14.2 BuildingsStructures 11 Therearethreeprimarytypes of buildingsystems: WallSubsytem: in whi ...
Draft 14.2BuildingsStructures 235 Thecompressive stressof 740psicaneasilybe sustainedby concrete,as to thetensile stressof 460 ...
Draft 14.2BuildingsStructures 237 ~ 20 ’ ~ 20 ’ N.A. ...
Draft 14.3ApproximateAnalysisof Buildings 239 14.3.1 VerticalLoads 30 Thegirdersat each oor areassumedto be continuousbeams,and ...
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