Drawing a Half-Ellipse W E USE THIS METHODto draw half-ellipses for laying out seat backs in our shop. First, mark the rise and ...
Draftsman’s Method for Drawing an Ellipse W HEN LAYING OUT ANellipse, most people care more about its finished length and width ...
Ellipse Drawing Aid H ERE’S A SIMPLE LITTLEdevice that makes drawing an ellipse easi- er and more accurate. To lay out the ellip ...
Framing-Square Calipers T HIS MAY BE AN OLDtrick, but I thought of it myself and was smiling the rest of the workday. My spring ...
Parabola Marker T HIS DEVICE,WHICH TRACESa portion of a parabola, is a simplified version of one developed by Terry Soper of Loc ...
slide smoothly through the carriage but to remain at right angles to each other. Attach a small wooden bridge over the top of th ...
Laying Out Cams with String T HE EASIEST WAY TOdraw a cam is to use the unwinding string principle—tie a string around a cylinde ...
Adjustable Curve T O MAKE THIS ADJUSTABLEcurve, start with a piece of fine, straightgrained hardwood—hickory is best. Cut a^1 ⁄ ...
Drawing Large Shallow Curves W HENI WAS A BOATBUILDERwe used this shallow-curve draw- ing method to set out the deck beams of ya ...
Drawing a Curve with a Spline D RAWING A CURVE WITHa thin wooden spline is an awkward task for one person to do.You really need ...
Calculating the Radius of an Arc Q UITE OFTEN,WHEN DESIGNINGa curved cabinet or tabletop, you need to determine the radius of an ...
For example, to find the radius of an arc that is 12 in. wide and 2 in. high, let A = 12 and B = 2. Then: R = ————— (12/2)^2 + 2 ...
Sliding Measuring Sticks T HE NEXT TIME YOU’RErunning tongue-and-groove glue joints, rip off some sticks about^3 ⁄ 8 in. thick, ...
Approximating Angles H ERE’S A SURPRISINGLY ACCURATEprocedure to estimate angles using only a rule and a compass. First, draw a ...
Octagon Marking Gauge M ANY CRAFTSPEOPLE KNOW THEtraditional method for marking a square to make an octagon: First, draw diagona ...
Repeating this procedure for different-size workpieces can be tedious. This gauge, borrowed from boatbuilding sparmakers, will s ...
Preparing Octagonal Spindle Stock H ERE IS A QUICK METHODof marking the amount of corner stock to be removed from a square blank ...
Laying Out a Five-Point Star without Math I ’VE READ SEVERAL METHODSfor laying out pentagons or five- pointed stars based on alg ...
Laying Out a Five-Point Star I RECENTLY NEEDED TO LAYout a symmetrical five-point star. Since using a protractor can be time-con ...
(D) between the points of the star. Reset your compass to D. Now, start at the top of the circle and move from point to point, m ...
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