SANDING Chapter 7 ...
Sandpaper Cutter I FYOU’RE LIKE ME, folding and tearing sandpaper along the crease isn’t always successful. Instead, try making ...
Sandpaper Sizer E VERYBODY MAY KNOW THISone already, but you don’t need scis- sors and a ruler to cut sandpaper to fit your elec ...
Folding Sandpaper H ERE’S A METHOD FORfolding sandpaper that my father, a car- penter, showed me in 1940. Take a sheet of sandpa ...
Making a Curved Sanding Block H ERE IS AN EASY WAYto make a curved sanding block for cove stock or circular holes. Split a piece ...
User-Friendly Sanding Blocks T O MAKE HAND-SANDINGless tiring, our class at Anderson Ranch Arts Center analyzed and redesigned t ...
Our prototypes were reviewed by Nicole Vavuris, a safety engineer for the city of San Francisco. He said that the stress in the ...
Two-Faced Sanding Slab I SUSPECT MANY AMONG USlike to sand small pieces of wood by rubbing them back and forth on a whole sheet ...
To use the slab, simply fold a sheet of sandpaper over its face, snap the tensioned dowels into the V-grooves, and start sanding ...
Hand Sander H ERE’S AN INEXPENSIVE, quick-to-make hand sander that’s effec- tive for smoothing out gouge marks on curved surface ...
Long-Lived Sanding Strips N ARROW STRIPS OF SANDPAPERused to sand turnings or curved objects tend to tear, cutting less efficien ...
Sanding Concave Surfaces with a Random-Orbit Sander I LOVE MY RANDOM-ORBITsander, which removes material fast, is easy to contro ...
thicknesses at computer-supply stores or by mail order from CGR Products in North Carolina (336-621-4568). By centering the auxi ...
Beltsanding Large Concave Surfaces T O BELTS AND LARGE CONCAVEsurfaces, make a curved wooden insert as wide as the sander’s plat ...
Beltsanding Narrow Work I RECENTLY HAD THE PROBLEMof beltsanding the edge of a 1-in.- thick tabletop. Try as I might, I couldn’t ...
GLUING Chapter 8 ...
Glue Injector A SK YOUR VETERINARIAN TOsave you a few of these little accor- dion squeeze bottles that come filled with an antis ...
Ultimate Glue Applicator A PPLYING GLUE TO JOINTShas always been a messy chore, especial- ly when it involves tricky corners or ...
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