Production Setup for the Chopsaw W HEN CUTTING HUNDREDS OFidentical pieces of wood to length for production work, a chopsaw is e ...
saw. To help avoid tearout, screw a fence to the back edge of the jig. Cut the fence to the proper height so that it bumps again ...
Measuring a Stop Block for a Power Miter Box I F YOU CUT LOTS OF45 ̊ miters on a power miter box, this device will save you hour ...
If your saw doesn’t have an inch scale along the fence, mount a metal yardstick to the top of the fence. Use slotted holes so yo ...
Cutting Sheet Goods with a Circular Saw T HIS FIXTURE FOR CUTTINGsheet goods with a circular saw is simple to make and gives acc ...
Circular-Saw Cutting Template I OFTEN CUT SHEETS OFplywood with my circular saw, but it can be difficult to place a fence the co ...
“Poor-Boy” Radial-Arm Saw F OR CROSSCUTTING LONG BOARDSand making miter cuts, this shopmade saw guide is accurate, portable, eas ...
Cutoff Table B ACK IN THE DAYSbefore I had a radial-arm saw in my shop, I worked out a cutoff table to use with my portable circ ...
Shop-Built Panel Saw A FTER WRESTLING 4 X 8 PLYWOODpanels around my shop for 45 years, I finally decided to build a panel saw. T ...
smoothly. If all is well, remove the carriage, and braze all four corners. Now position your saw on the carriage, drill mounting ...
Biscuit-Joined Edge-Banding B ISCUIT JOINTS ARE ANeffective way to attach solid-wood edging to plywood or medium-density fiberbo ...
Screw-Pocket Drilling Jig T HIS JIG MAKES IT SIMPLEto drill screw pockets for securing a tabletop to its apron. Start with a 1-i ...
Horizontal Boring Jig M Y BORING JIG,WHICHuses a^1 ⁄ 2 -in. portable drill, is similar to a conventional horizontal-boring machi ...
Elevating the platform swings the drill through a short arc, so the fence on the sliding table must be mounted through slotted b ...
Horizontal Boring Jig for Turned Posts I WAS RECENTLY FACED WITHthe challenge of drilling precisely centered holes along the cen ...
I wanted to be able to lock the work-support carriage in place to the pipe bed, so I drilled holes and installed T-nuts in the w ...
Drilling Table Pins F OR YEARSI USEDa doweling jig to drill holes for pins in exten- sion tables and leaves. This approach, unfo ...
To use the jig, I lay out the tabletop halves and any leaves in their correct positions. Then I mark one end of all parts with a ...
Modifying Twist Drills for Wood A WORN-OUT TWIST DRILLcan be modified to perform much better in wood. First grind the tip flat. ...
Modifying Drill Bits for Brass H ERE’S A TIP WELLknown in the metalworking field, but perhaps not common knowledge among woodwor ...
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