Regrinding Plane Irons W ITH A SIMPLE STICK JIGyou can quickly, easily and accurately regrind plane irons on a bench grinder, an ...
Hazardless Honing H ERE IS A SIMPLE COMBINATIONstorage box and jig that will enable you to use your oilstones more effectively a ...
Sharpening a Scraper T URNING A GOOD EDGEon a hand or cabinet scraper is a recur- ring problem among many woodworkers. Here are ...
the blade. This will keep the blade smooth and prevent nicks or grooves in the edge. As you may know, scraper blades come in dif ...
Sharpening a Woodcarving V-Gouge T O SHARPEN AV-GOUGE, first square off the cutting edge by hold- ing the tool vertically and wo ...
Flattening Oilstones T O FLATTEN AN OILSTONE, take a flat piece of plate glass or steel, sprinkle about^1 ⁄ 4 cup of 80-grit car ...
Grit-Slurry Sharpening T O ADD EVEN MORElore to a subject many craftsmen approach with mystic reverence, here’s yet another shar ...
Stone Hook F OR YEARS,I HAVE COLLECTEDsharpening stones from yard sales and happily used them in my workshop. Because no two sto ...
Care of Japanese Sharpening Stones T HERE ARE TWO TYPESof Japanese waterstones, synthetic and natural. Synthetic waterstones may ...
I recommend two separate sets of stones: one for narrow blades and one for wide blades like plane blades. (A good beginning set ...
Lineshaft Sharpening T HIS INEXPENSIVE SHARPENING SETUPputs a keen edge on tools in seconds without the usual heat buildup probl ...
Sharpening Jig for a Stationary Belt Sander T O SHARPEN CHISELSand other tools, I screwed a small 30 ̊ block of wood to the back ...
Which Way Should a Bench Grinder Rotate? M ANY WOODWORKERS ARE CONFUSEDabout the proper rotation of a bench grinder, whether it ...
Another way to think about it is to realize your grinder is a cutting tool, like your jointer or table saw. Generally, the workp ...
Lubricating Sharpening Stones with Kerosene K EROSENE IS A GREAT LUBRICANTfor sharpening stones. It is in- expensive, commonly a ...
Hardening Tools That Won’t Stay Sharp I F YOU HAVE DESTROYEDthe hardness in your carbon-steel edge tools by overheating (turning ...
Chopsaw Stop Block T HIS CHOPSAW STOP BLOCKhas worked wonderfully for me. It speeds up my crosscut work significantly, and I nev ...
Cutting Angles Greater Than 45° on a Chopsaw F OR A RECENT PROJECT, I needed to make 50 ̊ miter cuts, but my power miter saw cut ...
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