Dovetail Marking Setup T HIS SETUP FOR SCRIBINGpin sockets in hand-dovetail construc- tion eliminates hand-held slipping and rep ...
Shoulder Block for Hand-Cut Dovetails T HIS SIMPLE LITTLE SHOULDERblock is not my idea, but I’ve adopted it and now have several ...
Marking Dovetail Pins H ERE’S A TRICK THAT SIMPLIFIESthe critical step of marking dove- tails. Cut the tails in the drawer side ...
Modified Dovetail Saw Works on the Pull Stroke T AKE AN ORDINARY FINE-TOOTHEDdovetail saw, and clamp it in a vise close to its s ...
Sliding Dovetail Saw T O MAKE A SLIDINGdovetail saw you will need a piece of hard- wood (maple, beech, or fruitwood) 1 in. by 6 ...
A Better Dovetailing Chisel O RDINARY CHISELS BOUGHT FORthe purpose of chopping out dovetails are beveled on the top. This bevel ...
Wooden Mallet A T LEAST ONE WOODENcarpenter’s mallet belongs in every wood worker’s tool chest. The advantages of wood over stee ...
Hammer Shield I ’VE FOUND THAT THEsimple hammer shield shown below is great for preventing hammer marks on special projects or w ...
Hammer Hanger F ORTY-PLUS YEARS AGO, when I was an apprentice, all tradesmen wore overalls. An old-timer showed me the trick of ...
Plumbing Caps As Tool Ferrules I USE COMMON HARDWARE-STOREcopper plumbing caps for ferrules on my custom turning tools. To use t ...
Guide Blocks for Accurate Hand-Planing B ECAUSEI DON’TOWNa jointer, I rely on my bench planes for truing up my lumber. To mainta ...
Triangular Scraper T HIS GRAUNCHING TOOL(that’s what we called it in the old days back in New England) is used for deburring met ...
Cleaning File Teeth A BLIND SHARPENING-SHOP OPERATORshowed me this simple file- cleaning tool—it works better than a file brush. ...
Covering Sharp Tool Tips with Wine Bottle Corks U SE WINE BOTTLE CORKSto cover the tips of scratch awls, compass points, and the ...
Sharpening a Chisel with Abrasive Paper H ERE’S A QUICK WAYto produce a really sharp edge on a chisel or plane iron without the ...
Sharpening Guide for a Grinding Wheel I REMOVED THE GUIDES(tool rests) that came with my grinder and replaced them with a single ...
Constant-Angle Honing M OSTOFUSKNOWan old-timer who has demonstrated a method of work so effective and simple you wonder why it ...
Plane-Iron Honing Tool H ERE’S A SIMPLE,INEXPENSIVEjig for honing slotted plane irons. Just attach a 4-in.-long,^3 ⁄ 8 -in. or^7 ...
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