language. It usually takes into account the meanings and functions these sentences have in the overall system of the language. I ...
it is still used in some countries today. A typical lesson consists of the presentation of a grammatical rule, a study of lists ...
grammatical category^2 n (in generative grammar) a concept such as a sentence, a noun phrase, a verb. Grammatical categories are ...
grounded theory n a general methodology of analysis in qualitative research, in which the first level of analysis is systematica ...
1 whole-group instruction: the class is taught as a whole 2 small-group discussion: a group of between six and eight students wo ...
see also focused interview, depth interview, structured interview, unstructured interview guided practice n see practice activit ...
H habitn a pattern of behaviour that is regular and which has become almost automatic as a result of repetition. The view of lan ...
new teaching method is used, there may be an improvement in learning that is due not to the method, but to the fact that it is n ...
A culture is a hegemony if it is so dominant that its beliefs, values and practices are viewed as natural or common sense. For e ...
several times, in an attempt to work out its meaning. In first-language learning these heuristic processes are sometimes known a ...
important one in research on classroom behaviour, particularly when the researcher wishes to quantify such behaviour. highlighti ...
holistic evaluationn (in teaching composition) a method of evaluating writing in which the composition is viewed as a whole rath ...
homonyms^2 n see homophones homonyms^3 nhomonymyn words which are written in the same way and sound alike but which have differe ...
to produce web pages, it is now frequently built in to web-page-making software programs. humanistic approachn (in language teac ...
hyponymy For example the use of “whom” instead of “who” in Whom do you think painted that picture?Hypercorrections are sometimes ...
exclusive and exhaustive. A null hypothesis is a statement that “No differ- ence exists between groups A and B” or “There is no ...
I ii 1 n in Krashen’s theory of SLA, “i” represents a learner’s current level of competence, and “i +1” the stage just beyond it ...
gender, ethnicity, experience, and language proficiency. In postmodernism and feminist linguistics, identity is not seen as a co ...
idiomnidiomaticadj an expression which functions as a single unit and whose meaning cannot be worked out from its separate parts ...
illuminative evaluationn also process evaluation an approach to evaluation that seeks to find out how different aspects of a cou ...
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