d-index d-index n see item discrimination diphthong ndiphthongal adj diphthongize v a vowel in which there is a change in qualit ...
discontinuous constituent direct speech n a style used to report what a speaker actually said, without introducing any grammatic ...
a in French, the negative of the verb is formed with the discontinuous constituent ne... pas as in: Paul ne mange pas beaucoup. ...
Analysis of spoken discourse is sometimes called conversational analysis. Some linguists use the term text linguisticsfor the st ...
discovery learning n alsoinquiring-based learning (in education) an approach to teaching and learning which is based on the foll ...
discussion method (in testing) a type of construct validitythat is based on the extent to which two or more tests that are claim ...
students. Four common types of discussion procedures are used, which differ according to the degree of teacher control. 1 recita ...
distance education n alsodistance learning the linking of learners and teachers in different locations and often in real time, b ...
distribution^1 n (in statistics) the pattern of scores or measures in a group. For example, the frequency distribution of scores ...
distribution^2 n the range of positions in which a particular unit of a language, e.g. a phonemeor a word, can occur is called i ...
backgrounds or physical abilities. The move to recognize and promote cultural diversity is known as multiculturalism. Many count ...
domain^2 n see projection(principle) domain^3 n in planning goals and objectivesfor an educational programme, the par- ticular a ...
do-support do-support n in English, use of the “dummy” auxiliary doto form questions or negatives in sentences such as Do you wa ...
dual Drills are less commonly used in communicative methodologies since it is argued that they practise pseudo-communication and ...
dual immersion n see two-way immersion education duality of structure n a distinctive characteristic of language which refers to ...
dyslexia ndyslexic adj also word blindness a general term sometimes used to describe any continuing problem in learning to read, ...
E EAP n an abbreviation for English for Academic Purposes see english for special purposes early-exit /late-exit bilingual educa ...
educational psychology In order to have a sound eclectic method a core set of principles is needed to guide the teacher’s select ...
educational technology educational technology n 1 the use of machines and educational equipment of different sorts (e.g. langu- ...
e-language n also externalized language see i-language e-learning n also electronic learning forms of learning in which the teac ...
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