negative transfer negative transfer n see language transfer negator n a word which makes a sentence a negative sentence. For exa ...
NESB n Non-English Speaking Background. a term sometimes used to refer to a non-native speaker of English, particu- larly overse ...
neurolinguistics nneurolinguistic adj the study of the function the brain performs in language learning and language use. Neurol ...
the category symbols NP (noun phrase^1 ), Det (determiner), N (noun) are all at nodes in the diagram. The NP node is said to dom ...
nominal scale n see scale nominative casen the form of a noun or noun phrase (see noun phrase^1 ) which usually shows that the n ...
non-linear morphology n in morphology, a theoretical framework in which the morphemes that make up a derived word are each repre ...
nonrhotic adj see rhotic non-specific nativism n the view that the ability to acquire language depends on innate (biologically s ...
norm^2 n (in testing and statistics) the scores or typical performance of a particular group (the “norm” group) as measured in s ...
speech of those people who are considered as models for others to copy. In a nation in which many different dialects are spoken, ...
Phonemic notation is sometimes referred to as broad notation and phonetic notation as narrow notation. see also international ph ...
The term notional is taken from notional grammar^2. A notional syl- labus is contrasted with a grammatical syllabus or structura ...
noun phrase accessibility hierarchy n also NAPH a way of describing the relation among different relative clause types across la ...
NRT n an abbreviation for norm-referenced test(ing) nthword deletion seecloze test nucleus n see syllable null hypothesis n see ...
O object^1 n the noun, noun phrase or clause, or pronoun in sentences with transitive verbs, which is traditionally described as ...
objective n a goal of a course of instruction. Two different types of objectives may be distinguished. General objectives, or ai ...
test. Tests that consist of true–false and multiple-choice items are examples of objective tests. objective test item n a test i ...
observation schedules n in classroom observation, analytic instruments (documents) used to record observable behaviours in class ...
a type of statistical hypothesis test that is appropriately chosen where the direction of an effect, such as a difference or cor ...
development of language in a speech community as phylogeny. Linguists are interested in whether the ontogeny of language in the ...
c a variety of means of support and of study. In open learning individuals are encouraged to take responsibility for the directi ...
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