Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
paved the way for the emergence of large settlements, has been attributed to the agricultural revolution that took place on the ...
war comes from the tomb biography of Ahmose, son of Ibana, a military offi cer whose career spanned the reigns of three diff ere ...
the framework of social and economic dependency relation- ships and whose conditions share characteristics with slavery. Some se ...
of Japan, the Philippines, and other island cultures, that it is possible that there were places where slaves were unknown. In C ...
slaves in cities were not only lazy but arrogant, using much of their time to earn money of their own while having none of the e ...
fudir was not allowed to testify in response. Punishments for slaves who committed crimes were harsher than those meted out to f ...
works projects, which list the status of the laborers, provide ample evidence for this. Household slaves were generally bet- ter ...
become a slave. In political theory and popular discourse the concept of slavery was an important one for the defi nition of cit ...
THE AMERICAS BY KIRK H. BEETZ It is not known when slavery began in the Americas. It is pos- sible that the fi rst migrants to t ...
duties of each member of society. Slavery involved many such customs as well as laws. Children without parents almost al- ways b ...
If anyone cause a female slave to miscarry, if it be the tenth month, he shall give fi ve half-shekels of silver.... If any man ...
of nurses, female cooks, or female servants of the class of joint cultivators shall at once earn their liberty for them. Violenc ...
FURTHER READING H. D. Baker, “Degrees of Freedom: Slaver y in Mid-First Millennium b.c. Mesopotamia,” World Archaeology 33 (2001 ...
land. When such changes occurred over a wide region, entire peoples could disappear. Some of these changes were caused by human ...
When Napata fi nally fell in the fourth century b.c.e., the Kushites abandoned it and moved their capital farther south, to Mero ...
internal confl ict and long periods of foreign domination. Competing claims over the Egyptian throne at the begin- ning of the T ...
A typical cycle of rural settlement and abandonment includes some or all of the following elements: Expansion is instigated by t ...
formation. Early instances of social collapse in Asia are evident in various areas and periods and exemplify some of the reasons ...
fi nally succumbing to the Han in 43 c.e. aft er an earlier defeat in 111 b.c.e. It is signifi cant that Chinese cultural traits ...
inhabitants of local settlements. Given the relatively simple organization, based on households and hamlets, of societies in Eur ...
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