Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
xiv List of Illustrations Bird bone engraved with animal heads from the cave of Courbet, Penne-Tarn, France 106 Hermes with the ...
List of Illustrations xv Pottery fi gures of a drummer and a woman and child, Tala-Tonalá style, Jalisco, Mexico 283 Group of br ...
xvi List of Illustrations “Empress” pepper pot, from the Hoxne hoard in Suff olk, Roman Britain 478 Terra-cotta utensil with six ...
Copper vessel with silver wire, from Ur, southern Iraq 680 Gold cup of the Bronze Age, beaten out of a single lump of gold and f ...
Jade votive ax of a fi gure combining human and animal traits and thought to represent a supernatural being, Olmec, from Mexico ...
Tapestry made of multicolored wool on linen showing Artemis and Actaeon, Egypt 1076 Wool textile fragment from Persepolis, Persi ...
xx MAPS VOLUME I Ranges of the Wild Ancestors of Early Livestock 27 Ancient Mesoamerica 84 Athens and Its Monuments 224 Nubian S ...
Plutarch: “Th e Training of Children,” ca. 110 c.e. 200 Strabo: Geography, excerpt on Africa, ca. 22 c.e. 269 Pliny: Natural His ...
Sun Tzu: Th e Art of War, excerpt, sixth century b.c.e. 737 Xenophon: “Th e Spartan War Machine,” ca. 375 b.c.e. 738 Josephus: “ ...
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897 ▶ sacred sites introduction Probably the fi rst sacred sites were aspects of the natural world that people identifi ed wit ...
world that seem to have had ritual signifi cance for human beings. By 10,000 years ago religious symbolism was well established ...
Among the hunting-and-gathering peoples who inhabit the forests of central Africa—so-called Pygmy peoples such as the Mbuti of C ...
dynastic times. A mound created from the accumulation of centuries of small off erings brought to this sacred site is still visi ...
Israel was home to several sacred sites important to Jews and Christians. Jerusalem has been the holy city of the Jews since abo ...
own important place in Chinese religion. He was expected to speak with the gods on behalf of the Chinese. In addition to buildin ...
of symbolic or sacred purpose. Barrows dot the surrounding countryside, while a roadway lined with ditches and banks leads the w ...
defenders, and burned the Druids’ sacred oak groves in an eff ort to end their power and infl uence. GREECE BY BRADLEY SKEEN Pau ...
Other Panhellenic sites dealt with purely personal con- cerns that were beyond the scope of civic religion, such as healing and ...
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