241. It is impossible for the Somali portable house to stand without the central pole, for lacking the support, it collapse~. In ...
powex .. Of the three examples given below the first is applied to God, the second to the Prophet and the third to Sheekh Suufi: ...
Adigaa tijaaroon ku tuugnayee, taaj Awliyow taageer na s i i.! You are rich and we beg you: 0 crown of the saints, grant us help ...
people; the man who comes to your homestead no longer has to struggle (Text 19/10) This stylistic device which involves a degree ...
Type of image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Image Natural environment Sun Moon Stars Sky Wind Sea Clouds Lightnin ...
Reference number 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Image Traditional artifacts Cure (remedy, medicine) Food Path (road) Rul ...
247. APPENDIX A Annotated Glossary of Islamic Terms AUADITH: p.l. of tLA.DITH, the tradi tional sayings of the Prophet. AL-ASiYl ...
248. JAMACAH (ZAWIYAH):. a Sufi community; a Sufi centre. KA.RAMAH:. the manifestation by ALLAH of generosity, favour, prot ...
249. APPENDIX B Annotated Glossary of Proper Names CABD AL-KARIM B. IBRAHIM AL-J1L1: a famous Sufi who lived in Yemen (~. 1365 - ...
250. Axmed Saleeban "Hiddefl:. a famous contemporary Somali poet, actor, and playwrigh~. BILAL: an Abyssinian who became the fir ...
251. JIBRIL: the angel who lS believed to have been the medium of the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet. Khadiija Faarax Ma ...
were in vain, for God sent against him and his men an army of gnats who ate his flesh and drank his blood. NAKIR: see MUNKAR. Qa ...
is the author of a large number of poems in the collection presented her~. For a short biography of this poet see Andrzejewski 1 ...
Xamar: another name of Muqdisho (Mogadishu), Xasan Xuseen: see Sheekh Xasan Xuseen. YK SIN: the name of the XXXVlth Sura of the ...
255. References In the list below all the items are entered as glven on the title page, except for explanatory notes which are p ...
Sometimes in the text of the thesis collective works or editions of texts are referred to by their titles and not by the names o ...
257. ----------------------, 196'8. 'Is there Arabic Influence in Somali Poetry'; Seminar on Islamic Influence on the Litcrary C ...
25.8. Arberry, A.J.; 196~. The Koran lnterpreted, London: Oxford University Press. ----------, 1965. Arabic Poetry. Cambridge Un ...
259. Cerulli, Enrjco, 1957, 1959, 1964. ._-"---_. Somalia: scritti vari editi ed indi ti, volS• 1, 2 and 3. Rome: Insti tuto Pol ...
JAJvIAC cUMAR elSA A$-$UMALf GJaamac Cumar eiise], 195.6. T7CRIKH AS-SU~iAL FI 'L_cUSUR AL-WUSTA 1\IA 'L-tIADITH. Cairo: MATBACA ...
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