3'4. 3'S. 36 - 37. 38-39. 4.0. 41. 42. 43-44. o Most Gracious of all creatures May peace be upon you The Prophet became the comp ...
122. May peace be upon you 64-6~. The Prophet was mentioned(65) In the decrees of the prophets(64) 6~. The prayer to the Apost ...
Lines 8-11. 12.3. The 'jewel' (jawhar) which is referred to in these lines is a metaphorical symbol of the Revelatiori. When the ...
he is given the highest place in the Garden of Paradis·e. 124. Lines 66-67. To understand these two lines it is essential to rea ...
Text 9 This poem, which lS composed by sheekh Ismaaciil Faarax in honour of the Prophet, is akin to the preceding poem. It speak ...
Ya Nebii assa1aatu 1~. Wa sa1aamu calaykaa 1~. Hadduu qaafi10 raacana 2b. Qammaan buu ku hadheeyay 2i. Ya Nebii assa1aatu 2~. W ...
12.7 • o Prophet· 1. 0 Prophet, may the blessing ~. And peace [of God] be upon you 3. I am writing a poem 4. 0 Lord, do not make ...
3'0. 3'2. 3,3 • 4'2 • He never uttered an evil word against him o Prophet, may the blessing And peace [o ...
Text' 10, Love of the Prophet is a fundamental aspect of Islamic spirituality which emanates from the belief that the Prophet is ...
130. Uu-uuda qay1ada maydka iyo, ililada aroosyada eega ey 10. lnan baa dhashiyo inan baa dhintay, ku idlaan sidaydun u eegiye ...
2~. Xiddigaa samada ku xariiran iyo, xarakada dabaysha xisaabiyay Xoolaha nimcada 1aga xoorinnee, ninba qaar xeraysan xisaabiya ...
132. Niman soomin suurtu kOlkay dhacduu, ku sinnaani suudi cadaab ah ey Lurka daaya 00 daafaca Ibliis, dad ninkuu dagtuu wax u ...
6.9. Kayd rna 1eh adduunyadu yuu dadow, kadar kaaga boodin Ib1ayskuyay 133. Nirnba kadabkii 100 qoray buu dadow, ku cunaa adduu ...
Dhegahaaga dhuxu10 cadaaba baa, lagu dhuri dharaarta qiyaame ey 89. Dhibcihii kal hore da'ay baa xareed, laga dhuray shalay ha ...
Libin rna leh adduunka nin laac yidhaa, luxud baa u hantiya legga 100 dhigee Id8. Madxigii Rasuulka ninkii badshow, midigtuu k ...
AlIa hoogayday dumarradu hayaan, maydkii la llilay hal uma tartee li8. Hilin fiican Eebbahay baa hayee~ hadal waa Allow na haga ...
14. The man who invokes the noble Prophet, shall find comfort in the dwelling of Paradise 137. God is the King of the wide land ...
i3. The angels shall record whatever I do good and evil i4. Do pious deeds, for there is danger to come, and the unbelievers sha ...
0 people, marvel how the fresh grass changes into withered hay and loses its fragrance 54. 0 people, marvel how a young and be ...
7~. Behold the sky, God has done away with the need of a column to support it and keep it fixed Behold the sun when it rises an ...
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