Saadna yeenne, 'Adduunyo rna suubanayne 6~. Sareedo udgoon 1a waa iyo so or macaanee 6~. Waxaan ka samrayn Ib1ays nimu surin x ...
(^1) 102. 9.6. Qo1a1ka jannada Allow qoys nooga yeeleey 9J. Fali waxay tidhi, 'Ilaahay ferejki badane 9~. Fudaydka dhigaay adduu ...
103. Ninkaan 11'.uslinnimo ku dhimanba waw nadaame l2~. Naseexeeyow masaakiinta u nasreeyeej. I 12). Wawna yeenne, 'Wakiilkeen ...
B.AP said, 'The BISMALLAH is sought for suppor t ~. The starting point of the religion is the BISMALLAH .9. By God, in the other ...
0 forsake rancour and envy and venerate the [Islamic] Faith 3i. Execute the design of the mandated Truth.' 105 • 3 2. K.riA? s ...
106. 54. Visits to the shaiks will reveal you the way 5,5. According to the signs in view, this is the last era [of the world] 5 ...
107. 75. You are the one whom the camel appealed to, when it was mistreated 7~6. 0 you whose path is fragrant, shel ter us under ...
97. FAo said, 'God's help is manifold Abandon frivolity for this world is not worthy 108. 99. Reflect on God's creation and do ...
l2b. The world has not yet been abolished, but time is nigh when we shall be taken to the Assembly 121. The true Muslim shall be ...
Line 4. Line 34. Line 35. 110. Textual Notes ASH-SI-IAHADAH, 'There is no god but God. Muhammad is the Prophet of God.' This pro ...
11.1. regarded to be the elect among the pious, to assist him and others while crossing the bridge over the infernal fir~. Line ...
Text 6. This anonymous poem speaks first of the joys of Paradise which God offers to the faithful and then mentions three 11.2. ...
Wuu aflaxee f9. Jaliilow AlIa 20. AlIa Jaliilow Alfa! o God, The Glorious One 1-4. Very fortunate, (4) 15 - f6. ...
Text 7, , This anonymous poem is a petition addressed to Go~.The poet begs God to sustain him as a faithful follower of the Prop ...
.1 • 2 • 3-.4. Rugtii janno 23. Na raaci Rasuu1kayagaan rumaynay o Lord RAQIB and cA TID Are present on our sides They are ~ ...
116. II. Poems in Praise of the Prophet The poems which venerate the Prophet are numerous; and out of a large repertoire, I have ...
117. Text 8· This anonymous poem is composed in pralse of the Prophet. The eulogistic refrain IYaa Khayral-anaamii, Calaykaa Sal ...
l~. Buu noo xarriiqay Nebigii l~. Calaykaa salaamii 2b. Yaa khayral-anaamii 2i. Calaykaa salaamii i2. Xuduud aan la dhaafin 2.3. ...
4~. Yaa khayra1 anaamii 4~. Calaykaa salaamii 5b. Sharcigii anbiyadaa 5i. Lagu sheegay Nebigii Shirka yawmulqiyaamuhuu 5j. Noo ...
3-A. The Prophet is like a rushing spring, which is set on an arid plain May peace be upon you ~. 0 Most Gracious of all creatu ...
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