Double Your Dating
***Note: If any of this stuff sounds too far out for you, I recommend that you go out to a mall and find yourself a few really b ...
make to you, has some positive intention behind it. Drama is often to get attention. Jealousy is often a way of protecting a rel ...
Key Points To Remember From Chapter 1................ Don’t Assume A Woman’s Wants And Needs Are The Same As Your Own. Remembe ...
Most guys will ‘settle’ for anything they can get. When you let a woman know that you are actually sizing HER up, SHE’LL be the ...
Think about it. Women want a man who has enough confidence in himself to know that he can please her WITHOUT having to pull out ...
With Women Chapter 2: How I Discovered What Works Works With Women It’s OK To Be A Man ......................................... ...
I don’t mean to get too far out here, but I feel that understanding from where these beliefs came and how they are promoted will ...
I once heard a wise man say, “Religions take everything that your DNA naturally wants to do to survive and procreate and makes i ...
you want, but do yourself a favor and read Matt Ridley’s book, The Red Queen, before you start speculating. Think about it. Ther ...
But if you’re like me and you were given a set of ideas about women that you are now realizing to be less than useful, then move ...
My Story ............................................................ I made the decision a few years ago that I needed to get t ...
Sure, you can have some success and fun while learning, but experience has shown me that to really ‘get’ something and to be abl ...
Here’s my take: If you have messed up teeth, for instance, that still shouldn’t prevent you from dressing well. So don’t let it. ...
I wasn’t ‘cool’ when I started, but now I’ve learned how to become more so. Huge difference. (Am I saying that you can’t attract ...
wrong teeth. Do it. Wash yourself three times when you shower. Dirt and body odors don’t come off with just a rinse. Wash your ...
The Attitude........................................................ When I first started out learning how to meet women, I reme ...
Some are cold. My guess is that in a random group of 100 women, only about 30 of them might be open to meeting someone new right ...
Just move on. When I first started my journey, I realized that some of the greatest memories that my friends and I have are when ...
I realized a few years ago that most people look at themselves and say things like, “There must be something WRONG WITH ME. I do ...
all the details. Then, I throw that picture up into the air and have it start raining copies of it all around me for as far as I ...
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