Thoughts to Build On
Chapter 68 How Important Is It To You? There is an old fable concerning a dog that bragged about his speed as a runner. One day ...
And desire depends upon how important it is to you! In the fable just told, we learned that the dog did not catch the fleeing ra ...
Chapter 69 When There Were No Letters To Santa Claus It was the month before Christmas... the week before Christmas ... even the ...
as you can read the character of the parents in the actions of their children (a statement which the parents of some children wo ...
ceived, the very next morning, the documents I requested. I used them at once, then turned my interest to other matters. It wasn ...
Chapter 70 Are You Chicken Or Eagle? A little boy who lived in the mountains found an eagle's nest in a tree high on a rocky cra ...
his new home on top of a lofty mountain. Because he believed in a greater destiny, he knew he was not a chicken, confined to a d ...
Throughout the teachings of all great religions, all great thinkers, all great philosophers, and now, modem psychologists, are t ...
Chapter 71 Who Changes The Water? Some people say that humanity is like a colony of ants on a burning log floating down a broad ...
effects with no cause, motion without a mover, a circle without a center, time without eternity. To be an atheist, one would hav ...
Chapter 72 The Pumpkin Shaped Like A Jug A farmer exhibited at a county fair a pumpkin in the exact shape of a two-gallon jug. T ...
the size and shape of the jug shaped and limited the size of the pumpkin. It is better to be a man of small abilities with a big ...
Chapter 73 Pressure Creates Resistance As the real pros in influencing people know: PRESSURE CREATES RESISTANCE. It seems incred ...
bitious leaders and gave means of venting the justified resentment of their followers. But from the practical stand- point of pe ...
Our General Elwell S. Otis announced that to win the war we really needed 30,000 troops. But the more pressure, the more resista ...
Chapter 74 The Happiness (?) Of Doing Without There is a philosophy which teaches that we can eliminate our needs by eliminating ...
ourselves against desire; seek and be satisfied with the bare necessities. For many this would be small accomplish- ment. And we ...
God, if you prefer) continues to make so profusely avail- able to those whom nature (or God) has given both the desire for, and ...
things-when the God of that same religion provides an abundance far surpassing the needs of all mankind so, perhaps instead of d ...
Chapter 75 The Ignorant Are The Most Violent Several centuries ago, wise Alexander Pope wrote a simple statement of fact which o ...
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