The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings
where stored nutrients are located. Since fungal growth follows the ray parenchyma cells, wedge-shaped staining patterns are evi ...
sunken ships in fresh or saline waters is usually severely affected by bac- teria that erode cell walls or produce cavities or t ...
include wood with large vessel elements, such as oak and elm, and a high starch content (Hickin 1963, 1975). Lyctusbeetles lay t ...
of sufficient size to accommodate the insect’s ovipositor, damage by this beetle is restricted to hardwoods with large vessel el ...
information has been published concerning these wood-destroying insects in buildings and other wood products. For discussions of ...
use by museum conservators because of the side effects that may damage the object or because of safety concerns regarding the us ...
Blanchette, R. A., A. M. Wilmering, and M. Baumeister 1992 The use of green-stained wood caused by the fungus Chlorociboriain in ...
Jennings, D. H., and A. F. Bravery 1991 “Serpula Lacrymans”: Fundamental Biology and Control Strategies.New York: Wiley. Kirk, T ...
69 T to treating panel paintings infested with insect species has been to employ a range oftoxic gases or ...
As a direct result of concerns about the possible health risks, environmen- tal impact, and damage to objects posed by toxic gas ...
a permeability, or transmission rate, of 50 cm^3 m^22 per day per atmos- phere. Aclar is a plastic laminate sandwiched between l ...
To test the oxygen concentration within the encapsulating bag, the authors used the battery-powered Teledyne oxygen monitor (Mod ...
is calculated. Approximately 20% of this volume is oxygen that can be scavenged by the insertion of an appropriate number of Age ...
supply and the bag containing the object. This allows the “dry” nitrogen from the cylinder to be humidified to the object’s opti ...
tion bottles and also connect the polypropylene piping joining the three bottles. ASwagelok fitting is also inserted into a prec ...
In the dynamic system, once an oxygen concentration of 0.1% is reached, the nitrogen flow is decreased to a very low rate to mai ...
Aclar (polychlorotrifluoroethylene) composite film,Bell Fibre Products, P.O. Box 1158, Columbus, GA 31993; distributed by Sealpa ...
Hanlon, G., V. Daniel, N. Ravenel, and S. Maekawa 1992 Dynamic system for nitrogen anoxia of large museum objects: A pest eradic ...
T a brief review of the types of adhe- sives used for wooden objects; the conservation treatment of wood ...
wood adhesive, is also a protein glue derived from the skins, bladders, and other by-products of the processing offish for consu ...
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