SUBTEXT do, don't try the "I don't know much, but I'd like to learn" approach It won't get you brownie points. Dig into your res ...
THE JOB INTERVIEW boss or company. Try to find an explanation that takes the blame away from you. A few examples: "I went as far ...
SUBTEXT strengths, or promotions were too slow and weren't based on perfor- mance. Try to answer any question in an interview wi ...
THE JOB INTERVIEW pocess. As the interviewer, you want a subtext that will establish rapport and encourage the applicant to be r ...
SUBTEXT of openness. Don't fold your arms. Lean into the interview and try for frequent eye contact. Active listening is a usefu ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE WILL IT KEEP ME WARM? Some people are born salespeople and seem instinctively to know all the right mo ...
SUBTEXT the subtexts of three things: you [the seller], your company, and your product. Each has a subtext, and believe me, the ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE be manipulated by clever advertising so that it has very little to do with the performance of the obje ...
SUBTEXT model sitting in a modern chair. Again no mention of product What are they selling? Is it the aura of the model? Or the ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE she had a mind like a steel trap! But her customers trusted her completely. They just knew, after ten ...
SUBTEXT person who stands stiffly erect with arms folded against the chest What you must understand when you meet resistance, wh ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE "I had a singer who came to me and said his manager got him tremendous fees, but threatened to let him ...
SUBTEXT If you violate these rules, your subtext will give you away quickly! YOU'RE THE TOP One aspect of selling is fund-raisin ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE do you think about this?' People like to be asked for their opinion. Another gambit is, 'I'd like to g ...
SUBTEXT back with 'I know you're not interested in this particular software. but I'll bet you are interested in cutting your bil ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE slouched and tired, the customer I was trying to convince would peg me as just another bored salesman. ...
SUBTEXT about. Don't maintain one posture. Use your hands dramatically to gesture, to point, to shape and project your words. Us ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE up and putting them down, unwinding paper clips, twisting pencils and fidgeting with pens, playing wit ...
SUBTEXT "A subtext?" "Exactly. A subtext that says you're pleased by the customer pleased with your product, glad to have a chan ...
THE MAGIC BEHIND THE SALE on the thirty-second floor of a New York building. She felt that she was ready to zero in and clinch t ...
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