Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] rabbinic law. Instead, the children are the legal offspring and thus the heirs of t he ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity c. Here [in Deuteronomy] it says, “shall be accounted to the dead brother,” and there [Gen. 48: ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] as his primary heirs.^21 Being acknowledged as the levir’s sons allows the children of ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity You Are My Son: The Dangers of Uncertainty Regarding Paternity The Mishnah requires that a levi ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] a. A child whose status is uncertain and a levir come to divide the property of the dec ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity they say to him, “Bring proof that you are our brother and take [a portion].” g. A child whose ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] The child of uncertain status under discussion here is born within nine months of the d ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity sons by reducing the estate of the father from whom they will eventu- ally inherit. It is there ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] We might imagine a levir, believing the yevama’s child is his, taking an interest in th ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity assigned to the deceased, the levir would have found himself raising children whom he regarded ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] renders it useless as a strategy of continuity. Since the rabbis assign the paternity o ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity A second strategy involves “adding children.”^35 Levirate is such a strategy, employed after a ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] that while a man’s preferred heir is his son, a daughter obviates the need for levirate ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity related to him by blood could not displace the man’s father or brothers’ claim to his estate, m ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] marriage in order that the begotten c a ̆ k a r ı ̄ h a son might maintain his deceased ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity nia could not ignore the teachings of the Mishnah, which insisted that halitza was a legitimate ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] less man’s name by assigning him a child after his death. None of these c a s e s s u g ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity imagine conception — and perhaps paternity — without sexual inter- course, but they do not cons ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] There is also, according to Boyarin, a strong sense in the sugya that even when a man d ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity his wife’s children. A man is the legal father of his wife’s children and cannot claim paternit ...
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