Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] sible to determine definitively, given the dearth of sources and the lack of clarity in ...
[ ] [7] Conclusion T he family imagined by and legislated for in rabbinic literature is not the family portrayed in the Hebr ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] is equally plausible to imagine the family described in the Mishnah al- lowing for each ...
[ ] Conclusion out their consent.^7 The independence of the adult son, as acknowledged by t he Mish na h a nd later rabbi n ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] it is impossible to compel a man to take his brother’s widow against his will and presc ...
[ ] Conclusion (ma’amar) and requiring the same waiting period as was required for the remarriage of all widows. Furthermore ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] marry their brothers-in-law. In these stories, rabbis respected the wom- en’s wishes an ...
[ ] Conclusion on t he couple was assig ned to t he sages, not t he pa rents; t he aut hor it y of the family is replaced by ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] existence obviates the need for levirate, it stands to reason that they should inherit ...
[ ] Conclusion maintaining the tribal connections featured in the Hebrew Bible. Ge- nealogy, or, more precisely, an individu ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] understand the rabbis’ focus on the nuclear family rather than the ex- tended family.^2 ...
[ ] Conclusion may be “resurrected” insofar as a man’s death is more “normal” if he leaves children. Rabbinic law rejects th ...
[ ] Notes Introduction (pages xv – x xvi) While rabbinic law assumes the possibility of polygyny, descriptions of the nucle ...
Notes [ 8 ] acknowledge that a woman might prefer to avoid levirate, and even offer such a woman some judicial support. 8. Mic ...
Notes [ 9 ] Brown and Darryl Forde, eds., African Systems of Kinship and Marriage (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 195), 183 ...
Notes [ 1 ] 3. Salamone, “Will She or Won’t She?” 15 – 14. 31. Salamone, “Will She or Won’t She?” 16 – 163. 3. See note ...
Notes [ 11 ] This suggests a compromise between older marriage practices and the dictates of new religious traditions that disc ...
Notes [ 1 ] Genesis, see Devora Steinmetz, From Father to Son: Kinship, Conflict and Conti- nuity in Genesis (Louisville, Ky.: ...
Notes [ 13 ] Phyllis Trible, God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 198), 19. 4. Davies, “Inherita ...
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