Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
Riskassessmentconsists of the evaluation of the probabilityof occurrenceof the hazard and the adverseeffectof the hazard.Suchan ...
In the hazard characterisation step, a dose±response relationship was described, as a percentageof eachage-basedgroupthat will b ...
therefore a risk assessment of an imaginary production line of pasteurised milk. It is basedon the experience of the presentauth ...
at the momentof consumption.B. cereuscan causefoodpoisoning if present at highlevels, and can produce quality issuesin milksucha ...
of GNPs that can be detachedby one batchof milkis roughly similarto the number of bacteriathat can be detectedby a swabsample: 5 ...
spoilage of pasteurised milkcan occurby eitherof the bacterialgroupsaftera storagetimeof about9 days.If the contaminationlevel o ...
agreementthat required foodhygiene legislationto be basedon risk assessment, and the increased use of HACCP and other assessment ...
CAC(1999),Principlesand guidelinesfor the conductof microbiologicalrisk assessment, CAC/GL-30.CodexAlimentariusCommission,Rome. ...
21.1 Introduction What is good manufacturing practice' (GMP) in relation to food? In the USA the term GMP has a legal status ± i ...
Foodand drinkindustry managers,foodscientists and foodtechnologists recognise the specialresponsibilitiesof the foodand drinkind ...
and foremost an integratedmanagementsystemand requires, therefore, that thereis full and detailed specificationof the product an ...
Finally, thereis no section headed `FoodHygiene' in this chapterbecause GMP does not treat food hygieneas a compartmentalised to ...
∑ a system is available to deal with unexpected emergencies, including terrorism, sabotage, or the needto withdrawor recallfroms ...
objectiveis to specify foodsafetyand qualitycriteria requiredto be in place withina manufacturer'sorganisationto supply product ...
21.4 Documentation... Effectivedocumentation is an essentialand integral part of GMP and, in particular,one of the essentialfeat ...
processparameters,packaging,storage, distribution, and consumeruse. The list is not exhaustive, but is basedon experience of sit ...
As part of the preparation of operating instructionsfor production operatorsit is highlyadvantageous to consultthe relevant oper ...
All raw materials should be storedunderhygienicconditions,and in specific conditions (e.g. of temperature, relative humidity) in ...
∑ the finished packwill carrythe statutory and otherspecifiedinformation in the required formand location. Where packagingmateri ...
21.8 Managing productionoperations:intermediateand finishedproducts Wherea companymanufacturesmorethan one product or morethan o ...
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