Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
Indirect productcontactzoneareas willbe consideredas product contact zoneareas: ∑ The equipmentshall be installed suchthat it wi ...
14.3.6 Step6: Verificationof hygienemeasuresand test methods The ultimate effectof hygienic design needsto be proven in practice ...
14.5 Conclusion For hygienic design of equipment the end-product shouldbe taken as the starting point. This means that the hygie ...
15.1 Introduction This chapter describes the principles that should be followed when designing and installing power and control/ ...
15.2 Hygienic zoning All areasof a plant building whereprocessingtakesplace should be designated accordingto one of the followin ...
15.2.3 ZoneH ZoneH (whereH standsfor the Highhygiene zoneclassification) applies to an areawhere the highest levelof hygienedesi ...
Controlledwet cleaningin zonesis oftenusedwithdry processing equipment, since full wet cleaningwouldimposetoo higha hygienicrisk ...
It is importantto keepin mindthat edibleproducts or products that are used in direct contactwiththe humanbodyare being processed ...
15.4 Installation requirements for mediumhygieneareas A significant part of boththe electrical and controlinstallationsis locate ...
havingseveralcables terminatedto it, the enclosure shouldbe installedat least 30 mmfromthe wall, to prevent a soil trap beingcre ...
∑ sharp edges,recessedcorners, unevensurfaces, openhollows, unprotected bolt threadsand screwsare minimised or avoided; ∑ inacce ...
shouldnot be usedin dry production areas, where smallwiretraysare a better solution, to allowdry cleaning. 15.4.5 Cables and fle ...
possible and preferablylimitthe number of connectionsto themto a practical minimum. All connections(e.g.cableladdersor wiretrays ...
fieldbox shouldhavea minimum indexof protection of IP, 55 allowingdust to be removedfromthe enclosure'sexterior by watercleaning ...
∑ stood-offthe wallor frameby a minimum distanceof 30 mm to enablethe spacebetween the frameand box to be cleanedproperly. Remot ...
Whereit is necessaryto installfield boxeswithinthe production area,the preferred installation method is to hygienically mount fi ...
use of conduits reducesthe numberof supportsfor cables. Supports are potential places for the build-up of productand soil. Where ...
15.5.3 Cable trunking Wherepracticableand material availabilityallows,as a general principle it is recommendedthat for hygienici ...
appealingand easysolution it actually creates serious soil traps and can compromise electricalintegrity. Conduitsshould be suita ...
It is consideredgoodinstallationpractice to routeinstrument air tubesand electricalcables in separate trunkingsor conduits. Cabl ...
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