Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
that specification,and suitablyreferencemarkedand documentedso that it can be correlatedwiththe lots of raw materialsfromwhich i ...
organisationalmeasures implementedto safeguard againstunauthorisedor accidentaluse of thosematerials or despatch of thoseproduct ...
21.10.1 Heat-treated foods Heat-treatedfoodsthat are designedto be microbiologicallystable mustbe heat treated to an extent that ...
hazards.It maybe desirablethereforeto use flameproof motorsand switchesor ensure that they are situated in a relativelyclean env ...
conditionsof use, the probableexpertiseof the foodserviceoperatorand staff, and the interactionslikely to occurbetween the produ ...
known product residuefrompreviousproduction is systematically utilisedas one of the startingmaterials for the sameor another pro ...
21.12 Product recall and otheremergencyprocedures A product defectcomingto the manufacturer's attention, whether througha compla ...
discussed so that the mostappropriatemethodscould be effectedor endorsedby the authorities,and wouldalso take into account any r ...
21.13 `Own label'and other contract manufacture Where completeor part manufacture is carriedout as an own-label,private- label, ...
shouldincludeprovision for writingand recording and the storageof documents and samples,and refrigerated storagefor samples,as r ...
21.15 Future trends The factors most likely to impacton GMP in the future are: changes in manufacturing methods; changesin requi ...
changes in legislators' conceptsof theirALOP requirements, in turn impacting on aspectsof GMP. 21.16 References Title21 Codeof ...
22.1 Introduction: defining standard operating procedures (SOPs) In addition to following good manufacturing practices (GMPs) as ...
Protection Agency (EPA)^1 or those underOccupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)^2 regardingworkersafety. If the faci ...
componentsof theseSOPsmay varyslightly withthe individual requirementsof thirdpartyauditors and/ormilitary and regulatoryagencie ...
∑ Dateof issue. The date of issue, as well as the date of any revision, should be clearlylisted. ∑ Identificationof responsible ...
∑ Number of steps. As employees generally tend to ignore longSOPs,it is often recommended that SOPscontain not morethan10±12proc ...
necessary to determine the effectivenessof the procedure, these descriptive termsshould not be used,as theydo not provideenoughi ...
∑ minimumexpectations or goals of the tasksbeingmonitored(e.g.chlorine sanitizerconcentration, cleanfoodcontact surface); ∑ moni ...
keptup to date, an annualverification(or morefrequent)should be done.A recordof verification activities should be kepton file as ...
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