Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide
Figure 2.2:Transient Load History Curve (p. 23) shows a load history curve that requires three load steps the first load step f ...
Figure 2.3: Load Steps, Substeps, and Equilibrium Iterations 1 2 Substeps Load Loadstep Final load value Substep Equilibrium ite ...
(that is, it can increase, decrease, or even become negative), and it is reset to zero at the beginning of each load step. As a ...
2.5. Applying Loads You can apply most loads either on the solid model (on keypoints, lines, and areas) or on the finite element ...
As mentioned earlier, solid-model loads are automatically transferred to the finite element model at the beginning of solution. ...
Discipline Degree of Freedom Label Scalar Potential MAG Electric Voltage VOLT Acoustic Pressure PRES Displacement UX, UY, UZ Dif ...
illustrated in Figure 2.6: Examples of Boundary Conditions (p. 29). The DL and DA commands work in a similar fashion when you ap ...
Command(s):SBCTRAN GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Operate> Transfer to FE> All Solid Lds M ...
Figure 2.7: Scaling Temperature Constraints with DSCALE Resolution of Conflicting Constraint Specifications You need to ...
area number overwrite the constraints specified for a lower line number or area number, respectively. The constraint specificati ...
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Apply> load type> On Nodes Utility Menu> List> Loads& ...
To transfer all solid model boundary conditions, use: Command(s):SBCTRAN GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Lo ...
Location Basic Commands Additional Commands Lines SFL,SFLLIST,SFLDELE SFGRAD Areas SFA,SFALIST,SFADELE SFGRAD Transfer SFTRAN - ...
Command(s):SFFUN GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Settings> For Surface Ld> Node Function Ma ...
The slope (SLOPE). For example, the hydrostatic pressure (Lab = PRES) shown in Figure 2.9: Example of Surface Load Gradient (p ...
Figure 2.10: Tapered Load on a Cylindrical Shell You might think to specify 270°, rather than -90°, for SLZER, as follows: SFGRA ...
Suppose that you change the singularity location to 0°, thereby satisfying the second guideline (270° is then between 0° and 360 ...
structural solid elements, radiation specifications on thermal solid elements, etc. In such cases, you can overlay the surface w ...
Location Basic Commands Additional Commands Transfer BFTRAN - For the particular body loads that you can apply, list or delete w ...
For 2-D and 3-D Solids For shell elements (SHELLnnn), the locations for body loads are usually the "pseudo-nodes" at the top an ...
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