Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide
What Commands Are Related to This Tab? Solution Con- What Does This Tab Let You Do? trols Dialog Box Tab Choose time integration ...
5.5. Obtaining the Solution To initiate the solution, use one of the following: Command(s):SOLVE GUI: Main Menu> Solution> ...
! Load step 1: D,... SF,... 0 SOLVE! Solution for load step 1 ! Load step 2 F,... SF,... SOLVE! Solution for load step 2 Etc. 5. ...
Figure 5.2: Examples of Time-Varying Loads Suppose that you have a set of time-varying loads such as the ones shown above. There ...
! steps of TM_INCR TIME,TM! Time value F,272,FY,FORCE(TM)! Time-varying force (at node 272, FY) NSEL,...! Select nodes on pressu ...
To generat e load vectors, residual vectors, or enforced motion pseudo-static shapes for a subsequent mode-superposition analys ...
n,4,,1 n,5,2 n,6,2,1 e,1,2,3,4 e,2,5,6,3 finish /solu rescontrol,,all,1,5 !For all load steps, write the restart !file .Rnnn at ...
bfe,1,temp,1,2 !apply higher loads, bfe,2,temp,1,6 solve !execute solve to advance load !factor from previous !time = 0.6125 to ...
parresu,,moreload! For further load step, we want to apply table TEMTBL ! as body force. NOTE: table TEMTBL is not in *.RDB. The ...
as how frequently you want the files to be written. For an overview of the Solution Controls dialog box, see Using Special Solut ... Multiframe Restart Limitations Multiframe restart has the following limitations for a nonlinear static analysis, a no ...
Enter the program and specify the same jobname that was used in the initial run. To do so, issue the /FILNAME command (Utility ...
from the file to prevent conflicts, and new information from the solution is appended to the end of the reduced displacements fi ...
The unsymmetric eigensolver (MODOPT,UNSYM) supports mode expansion and multiple load vector generation. For a modal analysis r ...
nsel,s,loc,x,4 f,all,fx,10e5! First load vector (FX) nsel,all solve! First modal solve save,case1,db finish /clear,nostart /filn ...
/solu expass,on outres,all,all numexp,all,,,yes! Expand results for all substeps and calculate element results solve finish /com ...
Enter the SOLUTION processor using /SOLU (Main Menu> Solution), and indicat e that this is a restart analysis by issuing ANT ...
rotational stiffness connected perpendicularly to a beam or pipe element. There is no in-plane rota- tional stiffness at the joi ...
Chapter 6: An Overview of Postprocessing After building the model and obtaining the solution, you will want answers to some crit ...
you can graph the force at a particular node versus its deflection.Figure 6.2: A Typical POST26 Graph (p. 142) is shown below. F ...
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