Encyclopedia of Chemistry
where oxidation and reduction occurs. The anode is where OXIDATIONtakes place; the cathode is where REDUCTIONtakes place. electr ...
electromagnetic wave Method of travel for radiant energy (all energy is both particles and waves), so called because radiant ene ...
electron density If P(x,y,z) dx dy dzis the probabil- ity of finding an electron in the volume element dx dy dzat the point of a ...
electrons instead of light to see through the specimen. The first scanning electron microscope was available in 1942, but the fi ...
SPECTROSCOPY). ESE may be used for measurements of electron spin relaxation times, as they are influenced by neighboring paramag ...
across the inner membrane that provides the energy needed for ATPsynthesis. The function of this chain is to permit the controll ...
emulsifying agent Any material having both HYDROPHILICand HYDROPHOBIC characters acting to stabilize an EMULSION. emulsion Dropl ...
where heat enters into a system; energy is absorbed by the reactant. See alsoEXOTHERMIC. ene reaction The addition of a compound ...
pressure, and V is the volume of the system. The change in enthalpy equals the energy flow as heat at a constant pressure. Used ...
enzyme induction The process whereby an (inducible) ENZYMEis synthesized in response to a spe- cific inducer molecule. The induc ...
equilibrium isotope effect SeeISOTOPE EFFECT. equivalent The mass of acid required to provide one mole of hydrogen ions in a rea ...
available for transcription, while heterochromatin is denser and usually is not transcribed. eudismic ratio The POTENCYof the EU ...
excited state State of a system with energy higher than that of the GROUND STATE. This term is most com- monly used to character ...
absorption spectrum. The modulation frequency corre- sponds directly to the distance of the surrounding atoms, while the amplitu ...
F-430 A tetrapyrrole structure containing nickel, a component of the ENZYMEmethyl-coenzyme M REDUC- TASE, that is involved in th ...
thermometers in 1709 and a temperature scale in 1724 that bears his name today. When Daniel was 15 years of age, his parents die ...
boiling point of water was the highest point, changing it to 212 degrees, as Fahrenheit had earlier indicated in a publication o ...
[2Fe-2S] Designation of a two-iron, two-labile-sul- fur CLUSTER in a protein, comprising two sulfido- bridged iron atoms. The ox ...
ferrochelatase An ENZYMEthat catalyzes the insertion of iron into PROTOPORPHYRIN IXto form HEME. The mammalian enzyme contains a ...
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