Encyclopedia of Chemistry
him fame. In 1906 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work in this area. Fischer was awarded the Prussian Order ...
acid) and conjugated with one or more L-glutamate units. Folate derivatives are important in DNA synthe- sis and erythrocyte for ...
Ph 3 C–CO 2 H + H+→Ph 3 C++ CO + H 2 O (2) The breakdown of a RADICALinto a diamagnetic molecule or ion and a smaller radical, ...
fullerene An ALLOTROPEof carbon containing five- and six-membered rings, whose structure is based on that of C60,BUCKMINSTERFULL ...
galvanizing The process where steel is coated with a layer of zinc, which provides the steel with greater cor- rosion resistance ...
gated ion channel A specific ion channel that opens and closes to allow the cell to alter its membrane potential. An ion channel ...
general base catalysis The catalysis of a chemical reaction by a series of BRONSTED BASEs (which may include the LYATE ION) so t ...
system. However, the value of that concentration will determine which of the reaction steps is rate-limiting. If the particular ...
tein coated with a sugar is termed glycosylatedand is described or named with the initials “gp” along with its molecular weight, ...
group theory A branch of mathematics concerned with the study of groups. growth factor A complex family of organic chemi- cals, ...
Haber, Fritz (1868–1934) GermanChemist Fritz Haber was born on December 9, 1868, in Breslau, Ger- many, to Siegfried Haber, a me ...
Hahn, Otto (1879–1968) GermanChemist Otto Hahn was born on March, 8, 1879, in Frankfurt-on- Main and attended and graduated from ...
radioactive decay process, as the time required for the activity to decrease to half its value by that process. See alsoBIOLOGIC ...
As a corollary, it follows that a factor stabilizing a reaction intermediate will also stabilize the transition state leading to ...
∆‡Cp = (∂∆‡H/∂T)p= T(∂∆‡S/∂T)p If the rate constant is expressible in the form ln k = a/T b + c ln T + dT, then ∆‡Cp= (c–1) R ...
Derivatives are known with substitutes at various posi- tions on the ring named a, b, c, d, etc. Heme b, derived from PROTOPORPH ...
versity (1968) and Faraday Medallist and Lecturer of the Chemical Society of London (1970). He died on March 3, 1999, at age 94, ...
heterovalent hyperconjugation See HYPERCONJU- GATION. Heyrovsky, Jaroslav (1890–1967) Czechoslovakian Electrochemist Jaroslav He ...
In 1926 he was appointed the Royal Society’s Foulerton Research Professor and was in charge of the Biophysics Laboratory at Univ ...
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