Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)
hepatitis B, while HepG2 cells do not. Generally, HepG2 cells are highly susceptible to chemical agents and drugs, while Hep3B c ...
The Gibbs free energy of thekth reaction is written [103]as ΔGk¼ΔG L k ðÞþT;pH;I RT X i vilnci, ð 36 Þ wherevi,cirepresent the s ...
production rate and glycolytic fluxes for HeLa cellular cell lines under conditions of normoxia and hypoxia and for AS-30D cells ...
We identified 9 reactions of the 20 that are part of the glycolisis model (seeFig. 8), for both HeLa and AS-30D cells. Three wit ...
As a second fundamental reaction, the reaction catalyzed by GAPDH was identified in both cell lines. This is vital for the glyco ...
and oncogenic drivers and is transcriptionally upregulated by MYC [122]. The HKII isoform was reported by Mathupala et al. [123] ...
bicarbonate, the exchanger NA+/H+(NHE), Which is a prominent mediator of the export of protons, as is the H+-ATPasa vacuolar (V- ...
presumably because the acidification of pHisuppresses the effi- ciency of glycolysis. Intracellular acidification associated wit ...
well as a useful tool to understand and forecast the evolution of the tumor growth [71, 98, 135–139]. The model used was propose ...
concentration returns to normal values, the changes can be maintained [143]. Moreover, the entropy production rate increases whe ...
In Fig.11 it is observed that the reactions that show a highS_i variation in the range of 2.5–25 mM of glucose were GLUT, MCT1, ...
just two reports related to cancer glycolytic oscillations [147, 148]. Despite the low existing information about this aspect, w ...
the mechanism rate [158]. These processes have also been identi- fied as main targets for cancer treatment [134, 159]. We develo ...
When we perform the steady-state stability analysis, we find that the system evolves from an asymptotically stable state to a li ...
hepatomas). The oscillation period is around 12 h and 2 days, depending on feeding conditions. The oscillations’ period shown in ...
can be considered an extension of the “Principle of Maximum Entropy” [110]. On the other hand, we find that [26] the Prigogine P ...
emergence of limit cycle, and then through a cascade of bifur- cations type saddle-foci Shilnikov’s bifurcation. The entropy pr ...
Bertalanffy L (1950) The theory of open sys- tems in physics and biology. Science 111:23–29 Knox SS (2010) From ‘omics’ to comp ...
and immune response, vol 11. Springer Sci- ence & Business Media, New York Pantel K, Alix-Panabie ́res C, Riethdorf S (2009 ...
Luo L (2009) Entropy production in a cell and reversal of entropy flow as an anticancer therapy. Front Phys China 4:122–136 Luc ...
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