183 Disorders Adrenarche Pubarche Gonadarche Turner’s syndrome + − − Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21α-hydroxylase) + + − Kall ...
18 4 adrenarche/isolated premature pubarche. Fasting plasma insulin and glucose should be measured in children with obesity. If ...
185 What is the role of metformin in premature pubarche? Girls with premature pubarche due to obesity-mediated hyperinsulinemi ...
186 olfactory placode to hypothalamus during embryonic life. These hamartomas may be located at hypothalamus, tuber cinereum, or ...
187 What is gelastic seizure? Gelastic seizures are characterized by irresistible episodes of laughter accom- panied with dysa ...
188 What are the causes of testicular enlargement with GIPP? GIPP is independent of reactivation of HPG-axis; hence, it is not ...
189 a c e b d f Fig. 6.7 (a) A 7-year-old boy with GIPP due to hCG secreting intracranial germinoma. (b) He did not have gynecom ...
19 0 What are the causes of premature testicular enlargement without precocious puberty? The causes of premature testicular enl ...
191 ab c Fig. 6.8 (a) A 14-year-old boy presented with intellectual disability and bilateral testicular enlargement. He also had ...
192 What are the unique features of precocious puberty associated with primary hypothyroidism? The unique features of precociou ...
193 while intracranial lesions associated with precocious puberty are either supra- sellar (astrocytoma) or extrasellar (germino ...
19 4 What are the mechanisms implicated in the development of precocious puberty in children with primary hypothyroidism? Numer ...
195 children should remain under regular surveillance as they may develop other endocrinopathies like hyperthyroidism and acrogi ...
19 6 ab c Fig. 6.11 (a) Mixed precocious puberty in a 7-year-old boy with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21α-hydroxylase ...
197 How to evaluate a boy with precocious puberty? In a boy with appearance of secondary sexual characteristics below 9 years ...
198 How to evaluate a girl with isosexual precocious puberty? An approach to a girl child with precocious puberty is summarize ...
19 9 group. The sensitivity and specificity of various diagnostic cutoffs for basal and stimulated LH and estradiol are summariz ...
200 as well as in girls with GDPP; however, a follicular cyst size >9 mm suggests a diagnosis of GIPP. The presence of multip ...
201 What is the role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of precocious puberty in boys? Ultrasonography of the testes is usef ...
202 addition, girls with age of onset of precocity <6 years, patients with coexisting neurological manifestations (e.g., gela ...
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