81 Are congenital malformations common in newborns with congenital hypothyroidism? There is a four-fold higher prevalence of co ...
82 What are the investigations required to establish an etiological diagnosis in a newborn with confi rmed congenital hypothyro ...
83 How to approach a newborn with congenital hypothyroidism? Thyroid radionuclide uptake and scan ( 99m Tc pertechnetate/^123 ...
84 How to treat congenital hypothyroidism? The goal of therapy in congenital hypothyroidism is normalization of T 4 /FT 4 and ...
85 therapy (>6 weeks) and those with poor compliance to therapy may have sub- normal IQ and cognitive score (Fig. 3.9 ). Wha ...
86 What are the differences between endemic cretinism and sporadic congenital hypothyroidism? The differences between endemic c ...
87 What are the differences between neurological and myxedematous cretin? Endemic cretinism can manifest as either neurologica ...
88 How does selenium defi ciency and exposure to thiocyanate cause thyroid gland atrophy in endemic iodine - defi cient areas? ...
89 airtight container along with plastic-pack and kept away from the furnace. Once the pack is opened, it has to be consumed wit ...
90 a b cc d Fig. 3.11 ( a ) A 4-year-old child with midline swelling in upper part of the neck. ( b ) Upward movement of swellin ...
91 What are the monosymptomatic presentations of juvenile hypothyroidism? The monosymptomatic presentations of juvenile hypoth ...
92 a b Fig. 3.13 ( a ) A 16-year-old girl with overt features of hypothyroidism ( b ). Axial CECT pelvis shows presence of enlar ...
93 Why is short stature a common manifestation of juvenile hypothyroidism? Short stature with retarded bone age is a common ma ...
94 What are the endocrine causes of slipped capital femoral epiphysis? Primary hypothyroidism, growth hormone defi ciency, rhG ...
95 What is perchlorate discharge test? In newborns/children with primary hypothyroidism who have goiter and/or normal or incre ...
96 What are the height prospects in children with juvenile hypothyroidism? Early diagnosis and optimal replacement therapy res ...
97 Fig. 3.17 Growth chart depicting improvement in height SDS in a boy with juvenile primary hypothyroidism after initiation of ...
98 What are the causes of lack of “ catch - up growth ” in a child with juvenile hypo- thyroidism who is on optimal L - thyroxi ...
99 What are the causes of secondary hypothyroidism in children? Secondary hypothyroidism may be due to genetic or acquired cau ...
100 somatostatin tone) or estrogen replacement (due to estrogen-mediated increase in TBG). After optimal replacement with glucoc ...
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