163 2 is challenging; high doses of cholecalciferol (5000–40,000 U/day), calcitriol (17–20 μg /day), and oral calcium therapy ha ...
16 4 phosphatase, low or inappropriately normal 1,25-(OH) 2 D, and elevated FGF-23 (Fig. 5.14). What are the causes of hypophos ...
165 How to treat a child with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets–osteomalacia? The cornerstone in the management of XLH is phos ...
166 What are the adjuvant therapies in XLH? Recombinant growth hormone has been tried to increase phosphate reabsorp- tion in ...
167 lacia include metabolic acidosis, hypercalciuria, hypophosphatemia, and low 1,25(OH) 2 D. Metabolic acidosis leads to impair ...
168 plasma bicarbonate. In a healthy individual, this results in excretion of hydro- gen ions to maintain normal blood pH. Howev ...
169 deformities. Therefore, early diagnosis and optimal therapy with oral alkali, either as bicarbonate or citrate, is recommend ...
170 Further Readings DeGroot L, Jameson J. Endocrinology. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier; 2010. Elder C, Bishop N. Rickets. La ...
© Springer India 2016 171 A. Bhansali et al., Clinical Rounds in Endocrinology, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2815-8_6 6 Precocious Pub ...
17 2 respectively. Basal serum estradiol was 23.7 pg/ml. The dose of depot leuprolide was increased to 7.5 mg once a month and a ...
17 3 6.2 Stepwise Analysis The index patient presented with breast development (B 3 ) at 3 years of age, which is below the lowe ...
174 treatment in the index child was rapid progression of pubertal event (B 1 to B 3 during 6 months) and significant advancemen ...
175 graphs every 3 months, and pubertal staging was assessed from these photographs. It was observed that the first sign of pube ...
176 What is the sequence of normal pubertal development in females? Normal pubertal development is characterized by a predicta ...
17 7 What are the shortcomings of genital staging proposed by Tanner? The genital staging proposed by Tanner and Marshall cons ...
178 e.g., thelarche and menarche in girls and gonadarche in boys. Pubarche does not distinguish between isosexual or heterosexua ...
179 astrocytoma), mucocutaneous pigmentation and nevi (Peutz–Jegher syndrome), waxing/waning of breast size (follicular cyst of ...
180 What is the importance of age in the etiological diagnosis of precocious puberty? Onset of puberty during infancy, particul ...
181 A 3-year-old girl was noticed to have nonprogressive breast development by her mother. On evaluation, she did not have puba ...
182 FSH secretion, increased FSH sensitivity due to gain-of-function mutation of FSH receptor, and increased peripheral sensitiv ...
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