DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ReNowNeD coNTeMPoRaRY aRTisT, SHIlPa GUPTa, GiVes Us a fRee- flowiNG NaRRaTiVe oN How DelHi is VieweD TH ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR NaTaSHa GINWala, aN iNDePeNDeNT cURaToR, ReseaRcHeR aND wRiTeR Goes fRoM THe PeRsoNal To THe collecTiVe, ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER The Historian A three-day India Art Fair has been an annual event since 2008, within the space of a city ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR F or Delhi at the turn of the century, the art calendar seems to split vertically into the pre-Art Fair ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER The Gallerist seRial eNTRePReNeUR VINCeNT aDaIKalRaj, foUNDeR aND cMD of aRT HoUZ GalleRY aND PUBlisHeR ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Short Shorts all iMaGes BY kaRTik sooD, aN aRTisT wHo liVes aND woRks iN New DelHi. He is THe ReciPieNT ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘I have never felt more beautiful,’ he assured himself as he stood atop the piece of stone from where t ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER A Thumb's Journey The lonely Tune, Archival Ink, Gouache, Water Colour on Archival Paper, 44” x 44", 201 ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER S he had never been scared before by any of her guests, or their behaviour, not really. But when Geetha ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER T he two friends were meeting after a long time. They had chosen the city square in front of the Church ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER In Full Form By Rehana Munir sHai HeReDia’s selecTioN foR THe iaf filM fesT feaTURes cUTTiNG eDGe filM a ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER C inema wears many hats. Mainstream cinema offers entertainment and escape; parallel cinema holds a mirr ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Still from City Beyond, Shreyasi Kar, 10:57, Video Art, 2011 Image Courtesy of Experimenta Stills from N ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER an unmediated reality. Things are in the film because the filmmaker put them there. By shooting, editing ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER the film involved shooting/conversing on a river bed of trash in Mankhurd, Mahim Fort, a rooftop of a 28 ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER By Gautam Bhatia Delirious Delhi a ciTY, iTs aRT aND THe aRTisT flow iN aND oUT of eacH oTHeR iN THe Rel ...
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