DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER remembers joining the Department of Fine Arts in what was then called the Delhi Polytechnic in 1953, whi ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Bartholomew were keenly read and discussed; their columns often sparked spirited discussions among the a ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Indian art aficionado does not remember the hoopla that accompanied the Art Today Hussain opening where ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Nagy tapped into both: the locally available talent and the money. More significantly: he cross-connecte ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Twice as Good By Manoj Nair seVeN PaiRs of aRTisTs sPeak aBoUT eacH oTHeRs’ woRks iN THis RaRe aND exclU ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER T here isn’t much in common in them except for the fact that they are all visual artists of repute. Pair ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER T here are three things in common between Seema Kohli and Arpana Caur. ‘We’re very Delhi, very Punjabi, ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER black gets illuminated as a lamp glowing in the darkness,’ she says. The images in her work guide Seema ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER S urendran Nair is a soft-spoken man who doesn’t speak much, although someone who doesn’t know him may t ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER a vital ingredient in Reji’s work but he admits ‘when it comes through I won’t deny it’. However, it is ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER A Ramachandran and TV Santosh I t’s not just TV Santosh. Ask any young Indian artist and the reply would ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER works that surprised me is a painting that he did in the seventies, appropriating photographic reference ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘A njolie di's works have marked the beginning of a generation of art in India,’ says Mithu Sen. No one ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER able to work beyond a realm of horizontal thinking and expectation and welcome the unpredictable. While ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER V ivan Sundaram’s works, in his own words, moves across multiple themes as well as mediums. ‘My work sli ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER multiple themes and mediums. ‘I am mostly drawn towards the sense of immediacy and happenstance within h ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘I discovered Parvathi’s work at the Kochi Biennale 2014 and went back to see it a couple of times,’ dis ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER like providing refined pictures of atoms. And Parvathi has embraced technology to unravel facets of matt ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER G R Iranna is a busy man. His solo show, 'And the last shall be the first', is on at the National Galler ...
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