DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘Installation is installing a work in a specific space. It could be specific to a space or specified int ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Joël Andrianomearisoa's ‘Labyrinth of Passion’, with conceptual references to sections in Oscar Wilde’s ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘An artwork is a never-ending story, an invitation in various venues to explore history and forms, words ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘The context (space or city) always changes the emotion of the work. There is a permanent relation betwe ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER louder than words, Julien Segard, Wood, Marble and Metal, Image Courtesy of Experimenter Julien Segard’s ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘There are various factors which influence one’s perception of a sculpture, and space is definitely inte ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘One could say that a work of art is often a gateway to the psyche of the artist, as I do feel that work ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Achia Anzi's ‘Shibboleth II’ is a sculptural installation that underscores the relation between nostalgi ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Shibboleth II, Achia Anzi, Painted Iron Rods Image Courtesy of Threshold Art Gallery IAF - Delhi Connect ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER ‘The space around the sculpture can be seen as the negative space of the sculpture and alternatively the ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
published by vincent adaikalraj and owned by vincent adaikalraj and published from #127, ttk road, alwarpet, chennai -600018 and ...
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