DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Portrait of Dealer - II, Atul Dodiya, Oil, Acrylic with Marble Dust & Charcoal on Canvas, 96" x 66", ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER My habit for ‘collecting’ began when I was a toddler. At that time it did not require any investment – s ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Excerpts from the conversation What, in your opinion, makes a good collector? Kiran Nadar: The eye of a ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Shakuntala Patralekhan, Raja Ravi Varma, Oil on Canvas, 1894 Image Courtesy of Kiran Nadar Museum of Art ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER How have art fairs changed the market? Kiran Nadar: There is only one fair – India Art Fair – and it is ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER How does one choose the artists to buy? Kiran Nadar: Most important thing is you must like the work. If ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER What is a good buy? Kiran Nadar: A good buy is what I like whether it is expensive art or video art. It ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Speakers' Forum Between the Said and the Heard By Praveena Shivram (^70) / ARTS ILLUSTRATED / FEB 2016 - ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Convergent Boundaries: Where Art and Literature Meet Moderated by Gayatri Sinha, art editor, critic and ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER The Artist and the Gallerist Moderated by Negar Azimi, writer, senior editor, Bidoun A conversation betw ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Annoushka Hempel: The Colombo Art Biennale’s (CAB) primary purpose has been to create a platform for con ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Arts Creative Interaction Centre (JACIC), and currently with JCA (Jindal Centre for the Arts), my person ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER The Other Side By Premala Matthen iNDiaN aRT Has ceRTaiNlY cReaTeD a NicHe foR iTself iN THe iNTeRNaTioN ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER In the past few decades there have been several non-Indian mega-collectors who have single-handedly buoy ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Trend Reversal: Antiquities The appreciation of Indian antiquities tells a different story. Until recent ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Untitled, Nasreen Mohamedi, Photograph b/w, Vintage Print Silver Gelatin Print, 19.6 cm x 33.6 cm, ca. 1 ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER and needs a greater breadth of collectors. When we begin to operate officially in the region, it will be ...
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