DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Ruins of Meridian Hotel , Gautam Bhatia 1995, 8" x 12", Ink on Paper Everywhere you look, the city stree ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Life in the scarred, often unhealed tissue of Delhi was also the background from which I had come. I had ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Flushing the City, Gautam Bhatia, 2014, 20" x 30", Pencil on Paper Below the surface of this unsettled t ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Families limber through, children in tow, the circus of art, like any other – the machine tool fair a we ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Architecture, like other professions, falls squarely in the realm of objective activity directed towards ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER A clever inversion of what could otherwise easily be perceived as a cliché punctuates the feminist struc ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER to a corporeal entity suddenly infested with life. Princess Pea, she came to be called, a portmanteau of ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER adopting seven found stuffed toys and redesigning them with oversized white round heads devoid of any fe ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER dolls that were figural replicas of her body type rendered distinctive with their unique, individual fea ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Delhi Belies By Anu Majumdar Poetry (^110) / ARTS ILLUSTRATED / FEB 2016 - MAR 2016 / IAF - Delhi Connec ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER IAF - Delhi Connecting Art/ feb 2016 - mar 2016 / arts illustrated /^111 ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Else, it is the ‘Blue Nude III’: Perfectly posed, poised / as if for a fashion shoot... ‘Poetry,’ Sen sa ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER For Thayil, who was born in Kerala, grew up in Hong Kong, New York and Mumbai and now lives in Delhi, pl ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Thayil has never been to Mexico City, even here the city in the head presides, like the ‘I’ in his pems, ...
DiGiTal coPY oN MaGZTeR ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER By Praveena Shivram Infinite Realities we feaTURe fiVe aRTisTs fRoM THe aRTisT PRojecT seGMeNT of iNDia ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER C olours Swirling and turning Pallid Ideas Twisting and turning Solid The mind gives way To sunshine-fil ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Sachin George Sebastian explores paper as a medium, creating sculptures and installations that explore t ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER Puneet Kaushik’s work depicts the aesthetic and material cracks underlying the visible reality of urban ...
DIGITAL COPY ON MAGZTER GaRBH laYeRS and the surface .. Diameter: 7.6', Height: 9', Cotton , Wool, Metallic Cord, Steel Wire, Ju ...
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