The 48 Laws Of Power
‘IIll’..\\|\|U.‘\ at|iH.K!:\\\(Tl!TH! l'lHA1' A frig/1/ful¢-/iidmm, SKIN Tomrvh by llwwn [meritInrm! Its /‘ury an 41 smful worfd ...
power of reputation. It can put a vast army onthe defensive, evenforce theminto retreat, without a single arrow being fired. F07 ...
All forthwithfellfull cryupon theAss: A Wolfofsome book- learningteslified Tim!thatcurs:beast mus! suffer Iheir despite, That gu ...
Thisisthereasonforthe supremeimportance of making andmain- taining a reputation thatisof your own creation. That reputation will ...
42 LAW 5 cessof HenryKissinger‘s shuttle diplomacy restedonhis reputation for ironing out differences; noonewantedtobeseenassoun ...
themtodeathwithan AC current.When thiswasn’t enough, in 1890 he got NewYorkState prison authoritiesto organize theworld’sfirstex ...
LAW COURT ATTENTION AT ALL COST JUDGMENT Everything is judged its appearance,‘ wlmt isunseen counts fornothing. Neverlet yoursel ...
PARTI: SURROUNDYOURNAMEWITHTHE SENSATIONALAND SCANDALOUS Drawattentionto yourselfbycreating an unforgettable, evencontroversial ...
[SumwlmtI'm milwl uf. lgvtmy(/(mm of rmown. PurimAm«,rIN(>. l-1‘)ZAl55(» 'l‘tH. I «)1RI‘l\R'H-I‘ AworkthatwayVolume tartly;)u ...
creating interestmeant creating a crowd; as he later wrote, “Every crowd hasasilver lining.” Andcrowdstendtoactin conjunction. I ...
LAW 6 ThecourtofLouisXIVcontained many talented writers,artists, great beauties, andmenandwomenof impeccable virtue, butnoonewas ...
tached toa particularstyle, he would deliberatelyupset the public with a newseriesof paintings thatwent against all expectations ...
LAW 6 PARTII: CREATEAN AIROFMYSTERY Inaworld gmwingincreasingly banal aindpfamiliai; whatseems enig- matic instantly drawsattent ...
Crowds thronging toseeheron openingnight causedariot.Shehadnow becomeacult figure, spawningmany imitations. Onereviewer wrote, “ ...
52 LAW 6 KEYSTOPOWER Inthe past, theworldwasfilledwiththe terrifying andunknowable— diseases,disasters, capriciousdespots, the m ...
mystery aboutanartistmakeshisorherartwork immediately more intrigu- ing, atrickMarcel Duchamp played to great effect.Itisall ver ...
lit, giving the impression of thetorchesof a vast armyheadingup the mountain.Whentheflamesburneddowntotheoxen’s skin,they stam- ...
REVF.RSAL Inthe beginning of your risetothe top,you must attractattention atall cost, butas you rise higheryou must constantlyad ...
56 LAW GET OTHERS TO DO THE WORK FOR YOU, BUT, ALWAYS TAKE THE CREDIT JUDGMENT Usethe wisdom, knowledge, and legworkof other peo ...
TRANSGRESSIONANDOBSERVANCEOFTHE LAW In 1883 a young SerbianscientistnamedNikolaTesla was working forthe European divisionoftheCo ...
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